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-Dave's POV-

->>_Wednesday, 7:09pm_<<-

Dave - "UNO!"

We found a uno game stashed in a cabinet so George, Zak, and I decided to play.

George - "Cheater."

My last card was a pick up four so I'd win either way.

I watched as George placed down a green 7.

Zak gave me an evil look then placed down a pickup 4. But then I smiled and placed mine on top of his (That's what you can do the way I play it).

Dave - "I WIN!"

George threw his cards everywhere.

George - "That's not fair!"

Dave - "If you wish to defeat me, train for another 100 years!"

I laughed at my statement. 

George - "Has Jacob even left his room? It's been like 2 hours."

Zak - "I don't think so."

George - "Be right back, I'm going to go check on him."

I watched as George stood up and walked over towards the bedrooms.

Dave - "Something's probably going to go wrong, then one of them is going to die."

Zak - "Bro, how are they even gonna die?"

Dave - "No clue."

I watched as George walked out of the bedroom holding onto Jacobs wrist.

Dave - "You two are totally gay."

George - "Leave us alone."

George and Jacob went into the bathroom. I laughed thinking about all the possibilities of what they could be doing in there. (#DirtyMindedDave)

Zak - "I got an idea."

Dave - "What?"

Zak - "You know what we haven't done in a while? Karaoke."

Are you fucking shitting me right now.

Dave - "I'm not singing Zak. Why did you even bring this idea up?"

Zak - "Because... When Darryl and Vincent were alive, we'd sing together sometimes."

Zak looked at me with sadness in his eyes. Great, now I have to sing or else he'll probably cry or something along those lines. Whatever, he can't be a child forever, I'll just go ahead and crush his hopes.

Dave - "I'm still not singing, whether you like it or not."

Zak - "WHY! It would be fun!"

Dave - "No thanks. I've got better things to do."

I began picking up the cards George threw earlier.

Zak - "PLEASE?!"

Dave - "No."

Zak - "PLEASE!"

Dave - "No."


Dave - "No."

Zak - "I'll do anything!"

Dave - "No."

Zak - "COME ON!"

Dave - "No."

Zak - "Fine. Piece of shit."

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