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-???'s POV-

->>_Thursday, 5:17am_<<-

I shivered in the cold as darkness surrounded me.

My hands tied to a tree that I couldn't free, the tape on my mouth only made my problem worse.

I no longer had feeling in my legs, they were numb.

Two or three days ago. People broke into my house and kidnapped me. They teased and mocked me for being so weak and pathetic. I wasn't very strong, but I was fast. But when I tried to run, they caught me.

I wanted to cry so badly. But if I did, the tears would freeze and I would be in even more pain then I already am. My wrists were bloody from my many attempts at escape, but to no avail. Yesterday they said they'd give me a chance to be free, only if I begged someone who I had a contact of on my phone to fuck me. No way was I doing that, so I lied and said I would. They chose a random contact, to my surprise it was Spifey. I had begged for help instead of obeying them, but they punished me for that.

Here I am. Shirtless in the freezing cold at night with lots of cut wounds from when they teased me. They left me here to die, so the only thing left to do was hope someone would come to save me.

My head throbbed with pain, the worst part is that there was nothing I could do about it. One of the people who kidnapped me did something awful... The men were in their forties I'd assume. At this point, I'd rather die than suffer any longer. My vision was already very blurry, and I could barely breathe.

Maybe I should just, give up. I'll probably die in a good forty minutes or so. I can't even tell how long I've been sitting here for. Hours? Minutes? Who knows how long I've been suffering for. My stomach ached, I needed to eat. A while ago when those awful people were still here they fed me bear shit... I refused at first, but later I began getting too hungry so I had no other choice but to give in...

No matter how much I wanted to cry. I couldn't, so all I could do was sit here in the darkness and wait. They'd forced me to do other things I didn't want to... Why me of all people? Maybe it's because I'm not happy like Skeppy, or brave like Techno... Speaking of them. While they go get to run off and do whatever. I had to contact all of their friends and tell them whos servers they had to run and what to do. Maybe dying will be a good thing. I needed a break anyways, I'm sick of all this shit. Nothing good ever happens, I'm just so sick of it.

I continued to stare into the darkness but when I did I saw something. A tall figure with white eyes and a large smile. Oh great, it's the demons down from hell who have come to torture me. 

??? - "Hello little one."

I couldn't say anything so I just listened.

??? - "A little party has come for you. But don't get your hopes up. They could be those evil men from before who played with you."

The tall creature talked to me as if I was a toddler or something. As it continued to talk more of them began appearing.

??? - "Enjoy your last few minutes of silence, before everything changes."

The creature went quiet and just smiled at me. Just in a blink of an eye, they vanished.

I'm probably seeing and hearing things now. Is this really what happens before you die? Demons try to insult you and torture you further? I don't remember being a bad person, but neither am I a good one. Everyone always saw me as that figure that stood in the background that nobody seemed to care about. It was all about being popular these days. I remember a few days ago, I messaged F1NN who was now getting all the attention. He didn't deserve it as far as I'm concerned. When he insulted me, that's when I truly lost it. I was planning on running away from my parents. But I got kidnapped before I could.

I continued to stare into the darkness, shivering, freezing, cold, alone, was this really how I was going to die? What if I didn't want to die anymore? What if I wanted to-

I heard talking. I couldn't make out who was talking, but people where here! But wait, what if I'm just hearing things? This can't be real, right? IS THIS REAL!?

I Began trying to free myself from the ropes again. I felt my blood dribble down my hands as I continued to try to free myself.

I saw a light beaming through the trees. Is this a dream? Or is this true?! But what if they're those people from earlier and they wanted to hurt me?!

Escape was the only thing on my mind. Whether they are good or bad. I need to get out! I need to get away! It's the only thing left I could do. I struggled more but all that did was tear more skin off of my wrists. Tears slowly began falling from my eyes. I tried to yell, but I couldn't even make a single sound, the tape wasn't preventing me from making muffled noises, it was just that I was too weak now. I was helpless. All I could hope for, is that they wouldn't hurt me. I felt the pain on my face as the tear stains begin to freeze. My whole body was practically numb.

I watched as the light got closer and closer to me. The voices got louder, still not recognizable. I could tell one of them was much deeper than the other, but that was it. I could tell there was only two people from the voices, unless there was more but they were extremely quiet. 

I was barely able to make out two figures. But after a minute of walking they saw me. They got closer to me and sped up. 

Dave - "Who is he?!"

I recognized that voice, Technoblade!

Jacob - "I DON'T KNOW!"

Zelk!? My hopes got high and I continued to struggle free.

Dave - "I think he's tied to the tree. Free the ropes. I'll ask him questions."

Techno walked up to me and took off the tape. I tried to smile to show I was ok when I really wasn't. I felt my hands get free'd causing me to fall but Techno stopped me.

Dave - "Give him your jacket!"

Jacob - "Mk."

I watched as Zelk handed Techno the jacket and they helped get it on me.

Dave - "He's so young. Who would do such a thing to this poor kid?"

Jacob - "No clue. Let's get him to the van."

This was it. I'm alive! I'm so happy right now I could just yell! If I could...

Tears flowed from my eyes as I looked up at the trees above while Techno carried me. Without warning, pain flooded through me. Tears continued to fall from my eyes, but then, everything went black.

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