>Familiar Face<

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-Jacobs POV-

->>_Wednesday, 2:12pm_<<-

I threw a punch at Dave, hoping to get a good hit. Dave just ended up kneeing me in the stomach trying to get me off of him. I laughed.

Dave - "You owe me more pizza now."

Jacob - "On one condition."

Dave - "What?"

Jacob - "You let me share half of that pizza with you."

Dave - "Fine. You happy?"

Jacob - "Alright, yeah, sure."

I got off of him expecting to be tackled, but I didn't. I glanced back at my arms that were bleeding. It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. Dave really knows how to scare us, but technically this kind of counts as training since we're fighting one-another.

George walked up to me and handed me bandages.

George - "Here. Also, we're going to get Dave back one of these days, don't worry."

My friend smiled at me after handing me the badanges then walked back over to Zak. I wrapped my arms in the bandages. I glanced up and saw Dave walk over to me.

Dave - "You put up a pretty good fight, it still needs work though."

Jacob - "Do I take that as a complement?"

Dave - "Don't get too hasty."

He patted me on the back then walked over to the kitchen.

Dave is... Strange to be honest, I don't know how his emotions change so quickly. All I'm happy about at the moment is that Dave is done his "Morning phase" and won't act like this until tomorrow. 

I sighed and thought about what to do. Maybe I could watch a movie? Nah, there are better things I could be doing. 

I smiled and pulled the cube out of my pocket seeing it's normal Brown and Blue coloring.

Even though it was colored normally it still wouldn't work. I couldn't understand. It still had the number 6 on it indicating that I still have six more tries, since it's a new year unlike last year, but every time I try to make it work, it wouldn't. I sighed and walked over to the front door slipping on my shoes.

George - "Where are you going? You do realize your bandages are all bloody."

Jacob - "So?"

George - "You shouldn't go anywhere just in case-"

Jacob - "In case Clay comes? I know George, I know. But I might die either way, so don't worry. I'll most likely be back, ok?"

I saw his face sadden.

George - "Alright, be back before 5."

I smiled at him before walking outside of the hotel room. I walked towards the elevator stepping inside and pressing the G button.

I watched as the elevator doors close and the box began to descend.

Once at the bottom the doors opened and I stepped outside walking past the front desk to the front doors of the building. I opened them revealing the bright sun on this cold day. I inhaled the fresh air before walking down the sidewalk as I held my cube in hand.

I looked around at all the brightly colored trees with green, yellow, orange, and red leaves. It was nice to say the least. I just wish everything could be this nice, I really do wish.

During this month in autumn, I have to admit, it is a beautiful month. If I had to die any time of year, it would definitely be this amazing season.

In all honesty, there is one thing I wish. It's to see the sun rise on my birthday. Since it's coming up soon, I just want to see the sun on that one last time before I die since I know I will eventually. Whether I die the day after my birthday or eighty years after. This is my last wish, my birthday wish. I sighed and looked at the cube I held in my hand.

Why did I agree to taking it in the first place? Was it really worth this much power? I never had to, but I chose to. The deal I made with that... Thing. It wasn't human but I had to since it looked just so... Adorable. That cute creature lured me into it's trap of sweet, sweet, suffering. I got to rewind time only to remember what happened when everything went wrong. I got to fix mistakes that have been made, but at what cost? Now that it won't work anymore... What's going to happen? Will it somehow get fixed and everything will be ok? Or will it stay broken and everything breaks with it? This isn't how I thought things would be. I knew things wouldn't be perfect, but not this bad. Not in a trillion years would I have guessed the events in the last six years. Blood, death, violence, suffering, destruction, why all of this? Why did it have to happen?

I continued to ask myself these questions as I ignored the path ahead of me until something caught my eye. I looked up and noticed something inside an old looking brick building. I glanced at the window noticing something. It was a tall figure with completely black skin, if that's what you'd call it. I could see it's white eyes staring at me through the broken window it looked through. I couldn't look away. As if it was trying to tell me something. 

I continued to stare until it just vanished. As if it was never there. Then I remembered something, that face, that creature, that beast. It was the creature we saw about a year ago when we were burying our friends. He called himself and the others, "viewers". Have they been watching us all this time?

I guess they really are viewers. I sighed and began heading back towards the hotel.

All of a sudden, the cube shocked my hand. I dropped it from the sudden pain it caused. I glanced at my now red hand. It burned, I winced from the pain.

What the fuck?

My skin began bubbling a little bit which scared me a little. I waited until the pain subsided and glanced back at the cube that was on the ground. I hesitated but went to grab it with my other hand. I managed to pick it up without getting shocked.

 I sighed in relief. 

I glanced at my other hand which continued to bubble a little. I tried to move it but it just stung.

Great, just when I thought things couldn't get any worse.

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