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-Zak's POV-

->>_Thursday, 9:27pm_<<-

I opened my eyes, feeling dizzy. I sat up looking around only seeing George on the ground bandaging his arm. What happened? 

Zak - "George?"

George - "You're talking... How are you feeling?"

Zak - "Uhh. I don't know."

George - "I'll take that as a yes. Thank goodness you're ok."

I watched as he finished bandaging his arm.

Zak - "What happened to you?"

George - "Do you not remember?"

Zak - "No?..."

George - "You attacked me and tried to bite me. You scratched my arm up really badly. So, you don't remember anything? At all?"

Zak - "No?"

I was confused. I attacked George? When did this happen?

I glanced at myself seeing I was even more deformed than normal. This scared me a little. I was always afraid of becoming like Clay... But if I really am...

Zak - "I'm sorry..."

George - "It's fine. But if it happens again, we're going to have issues."

Zak - "Alright..."

I glanced around, where are the others?

Zak - "Where is everyone?"

George - "Sleeping. They're exhausted."

Zak - "Still? What time is it?"

George - "Around nine. I have a feeling they aren't going to wake up for another five or six hours."

Zak - "Ugh, I really need to eat something."

George - "Slow down. You just woke up. Also... We need to talk."

Zak - "Is it important?"

George - "Very."

I wonder what George needed to tell me. He normally isn't the super serious one but more recently he has been. Whatever he needs to talk about, must be important.

Zak - "I'm listening."

George - "You have powers, right?"

Zak - "Yes?"

George - "Jacob has that cube, right?"

Zak - "Yeah?"

George - "I don't know if you remember. But I have some sort of power as well. I haven't used it since... You know when. But I have a feeling Mega does as well, since we're all connected to that cube Jacob has, well, all of us except for Dave."

Zak - "I don't really think Dave needs any powers."

George - "Yeah. His fighting skills are much better than ours."

Zak - "So wait. What kind of powers do you have? You should have told me about this sooner since I didn't really remember from last time."

George - "Well... I can't do too much, only a few things."

Zak - "Go ahead, tell me."

George - "You could say... I'm fire resistant. I know, I know, It sounds dumb. But in my opinion I'm kind of the opposite of a demon. But not an angel either."

Zak - "I don't get it."

George - "I can manipulate fire. I can touch it without getting burned, I can even consume it. Also, I can get stronger as well, but only if I "eat" fire before hand."

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