>The True Ending...<

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~Long Chapter~

When I met you, my heart bubbled with joy

Your beautiful brown hair, and your amazing attitude

I never thought such a wild ride would take me this far...

Hurting you had still broken my heart

You are still what I love and cherish, and that won't change

I'm sorry for hurting you in the first place...

If you can hear me, I'm calling from the void

Nothing is here, no life, no love, no people...

I've been alone for so long

But now that I'm free'd, I'd like to join you

A knife to the throat is all that I need to get to you

The darkness turns to light, blinding my sight.

Everything is bright now, it is no longer dark...

My head I can barely hold up

My body aching with pain

Not long before everything changes...


-Clay's POV-

->>_Sunday, 6:16am_<<-

My eyes opened, my head pounding with pain.

Clay - "W-what happened... am I dead..."

I sat up seeing a body in front of me. I knew whos it was since I watched it all happen...

Clay - "Wait... I... I'm free."

I barely managed to stand up since it feels like it's been years since I've had control over my own body, since it really has.

Clay - "This was all my fault... Everybody is dead because of me..."

I walked over to Dave's body and looked into his lifeless eyes, using two fingers to shut them. I sighed and sat down on the grassy hill as the sun rose.

The land around me looked peaceful. The clouds were all gone, and the sky was filled with beautiful colours.

My body was normal, not a deformity in sight.

Everything was so beautiful...

George... GeorgeNotFound...

The one I shed so many tiers for in that deep, dark, abyss...

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