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-Zaks POV-

->>_Friday, 2:12pm_<<-

Diamonds are strong, but they can still melt or shatter. 

They may be tough, but that strength doesn't matter.

You, my diamond friend, have run out of time, because Clay is now bringing down the hammer.

The last breath of fame, was all in fate, and you will soon stand at heavens gate...



I felt the rain against my face as I ran through the forest. I heard the footsteps of my friends following behind me.

We ran.

Dave said we were going to find the cure. I'm not sure what got into him, but after he came back from outside he seemed... Different.

I can't put my finger on what it is. We were kind of unarmed anyways, so Dave had a point when he said we should just run to the nearest city or something. I don't know what will happen to me since... I'm different now, and I don't think I'm going to be able to change back.

My skin was pale, I could barely see a purple tint. It was new, but then I remembered. Clays skin looked the same. The purple was barely noticeable until you figure it out. I don't think George, Mega, or Dave have even noticed yet.

I continued to run through the forest. We didn't even have our phones with us. Which was unlucky.

George - "Can we take a breather? We've been running for ten minutes!"

I slowed down and turned around to face him. I wasn't exhausted at all. I didn't even feel a little bit tired.

Zak - "Fine. Five minutes."

Dave - "Since when were you in charge?"

Zak - "Since when were YOU in charge?"

Dave - "Now."

Zak - "You know-"

Dave - "Oh shit, FUCK."

Zak - "What-"

I looked behind me seeing Clay running towards us.

Did we go the wrong way?!

Without notice, my arm turned into a sword. Usually I have to do something.

All of a sudden a giant wall of ice appeared in front of Clay making him smack right into it which made me laugh. We were in a dangerous situation, but I couldn't help myself.

Dave - "Zak, not a good time!"

I took a breather but once I did Clay had just climbed over the wall. He stood there, but this time, he wasn't alone. He had two lion-wolf creatures by his side. They looked identical to the one that attacked Dave in the apartment.

Clay - "Give up, don't bother fighting. It's not worth it."

Zak - "If it's not worth it, don't do it."

I smiled at Clay, I saw he had anger in his eyes. A part of me just wanted to tease him. I couldn't help it!

Clay - "Darryl died for you. Now, you will die for... Nobody, since you're a useless piece of shit."

Seconds after he said that, the creatures by his sides disappeared and he charged right at me. I dodged his first move. This time, he only had two arms, with them both being spikes. He had a mask on, just like before.

He charged at me again but Dave stepped in front of me and punched him. It seemed to do nothing so before Dave could get hit I pushed him out of the way and I used my... Sword? To slash open Clays chest.

I don't know if our goal was to kill-



I was what?

Zak - "What-"

I got thrown onto the ground by Clay. He went to stab me in the head, but stopped a few inches from my face.

Clay - "ZAK! GO!"

I quickly moved out of the way.

I mentally thanked him for saving me, and I used this moment to stab Clay's back. Blood squirted everywhere when I did so. Some of it even got into my eyes which stung a lot. I rubbed my eyes and shook off the pain. But when I looked back at Clay. I didn't see a monster, I saw a person, I saw a friend.

I reached out a hand. Clay... Its really him... Clay...

George - "Zak! NO-"

I felt something pierce through my stomach. I looked down and saw one of Clays arm things in my stomach. Pain soared through my body. My eyes widened at the sight and feeling. I looked back up at Clay. I smiled at him.

Something surged through my body. It wasn't an emotion or a feeling. It was...


I know now. I know everything about this... Everything.

I felt my bones reshaping in my body and I saw myself getting taller. My body twitched as my body changed forms. I felt strong, I felt POWERFUL! LIKE I WAS THE RULER OF THE WORLD!

My vision turned black and white. It was so familiar, the feeling of this... This power...

Before I knew it. I was towering over everybody. I was only now a few inches shorter than Clay. I felt something moving around in my back which caused me to yell from the pain.

Colors, all the colors, I saw everybody, everything!

Is this what it feels to be Clay? Strong and-

??? - "Ah shit, hey Zak. So listen, I'm gonna take over your body for a little bit. That cool with you?"

Zak - "W-what? You sound s-so-"

??? - "Familiar? Yeah, I've been watching you all for quite some time. I miss Clay too. I got chosen to help you out. But after I leave, you're gonna die."

Zak - "Wait, what!?!"

I looked around and nothing was moving.

??? - "Time is temporarily frozen so I can give you advice. I'm the lucky one Jake decided to bring to help you fight, since I'm the strongest apparently..."

Zak - "Jacob's alive?!"

??? - "Not really. Now Zak. Once you die you will be transported somewhere else, since you're corrupted you aren't going to be able to see... Darryl..."


??? - "ZAK, Pay attention. Darryl wanted to say he... That he loves you. He's been watching you all these years through the cube that Dave has. He says goodbye, and wishes you a happy afterlife... Although it won't be that happy..."

Zak - "Wait... I remember your voice..."

??? - "Guess who!"

Zak - "What was your name again... Nick?"

Nick - "Yep, that's me!"

Zak - "SAPNAP?!"

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