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-Georges POV-

->>_Friday, 3:56pm_<<-

After a bit more walking we could see a fence, it had to be somebody's backyard. I sprinted up to it and began to jump the metal fence. It wasn't that tall, so I hopped over it easily. Dave did it easily as well careful not to damage the cube or Zaks heart in the process. When Mega tried to climb it his shirt kept getting caught on it. Dave walked over to him and picked him up, helping him over the fence.

He gave Dave a mean look, I guess he didn't want any help. We turned around seeing the house in front of us. I glanced at Mega, then Dave as we began to sneak towards the side of the house.

Dave looked around the corner and signalled for us to follow him. We snuck around the house not seeing anybody. The street was empty so we walked on the path.

Just a large fiery monster with his human companions. Everybody's brain cells must be dead by now. Mine have already died out a long time ago.

A car drove onto the street and slowed down when he saw me he rolled down his window. He gave me a weird look then continued to slowly drive away. Yep, he lost ALL his braincells.

Suddenly my head began pounding with pain causing me to stumble a bit.

I can't change back, not now! In the middle of the street.

Dave - "You good George?"

I managed to stop myself from fainting, still a bit dizzy. I nodded to him and he proceeded to walk with Mega next to him.

I think Dave caught onto me almost fainting so he began walking towards a tall building, then I remembered. MY GLASSES ARE ALL THE WAY BACK- It's too late to go back now, I'll just get another prescription... If we make it out alive.

It took me a second to realize the tall building we were walking into was a church. Dave managed to open the door as he walked inside. I managed to fit through the entrance and once I stepped foot? Paw, inside I saw somebody praying at the front. He looked like a priest.

He stood up and turned around with a smile on his face, until he saw me. He pulled out a cross.

Priest - "DEMON! STAY BACK!"

I wish I could laugh right now because if I could I'd be in tears.

Dave - "We aren't here to hurt you. We just need a place too-"


I began feeling dizzy. If I fainted now the priest would probably think his cross worked, I internally laughed. I just needed to change back to normal, then... Then I could actually laugh... Heh...

I stumbled around a little, feeling really dizzy.


Dave - "He's just tired. I'm greatly offended that you called my friend a demon."


Dave - "Like I said, my friend is just tired, we aren't demons, we're humans... Well, I don't know about these two, but they're definitely NOT demons."

Priest - "BUT HE'S A MONSTER!"

I fell to the ground from exhaustion barely able to think.

Dave - "HE'S TURNING BACK TO HIS NORMAL SELF... Now that I think about it, do you have any spare clothes here?"

Priest - "NO! NOW STAY BACK!"

Dave - "Mega, you know what we've gotta do."

I felt pain shoot through me causing me to make weird wolf noises. I layed on the ground watching as Mega and Dave walked towards the priest.

I felt my eyelids getting heavy before everything went dark.

->>_Friday, 9:01pm_<<-

What was going on... I opened my eyes rubbing them. I glanced at my body seeing that I was wearing unusual looking clothes. I heard yelling coming from outside. I looked around in the room confused seeing that there was fire and smoke everywhere. I guess Dave and Mega knew the fire didn't burn me and are probably waiting for me outside. I'm not surprised that I'm not suffocating either.

The fire was crawling towards me. I yawned still confused about how I got clothes. Mega didn't have any when he woke up... Mine were gone... I thought about what it meant until I realized. I stood up trying not to think about it. I looked behind me seeing the front doors, opening them. I saw fire fighters trying to hose down the place then one looked at me and rushed over.

Fire Fighter - "Holy shit are you okay!?"

George - "Yeah, I'm perfectly fine!"

I walked by him as he watched in awe like I was fire resistant or something, because I am.

I looked around ignoring the people asking me if I'm ok. I wonder where Mega and Dave went, they couldn't have gone too far, right?

Then I looked up at the sky realizing how late it really was. I wonder how long I was out for. It couldn't have been too long.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Mega sitting on top of a fire truck watching me. I waved to him and he struggled to climb down, then he walked over to me once he managed to get down.

Mega - "Dave is waiting for us at a park, lets go."

George - "Ok."

I followed him.

After a few minutes of short walking I saw Dave sitting on a bench holding a vile of something.

Dave - "Hey, you good?"

George - "Yeah, why am I wearing-"

He cut me off.

Dave - "Also, nobody died in the fire."

George - "Oh yeah, why was the church on fire?"

Dave - "Well... While you were passed out. Mega was looking around the place and found a lighter, so we burned Zaks heart and then Mega froze it. We used the same fire to melt the ice and turn it into a liquid."

He shook the vile he had in his hand.

Dave - "Then... The fire got out of control. The priest ran off before we could catch him."

George - "Then whose clothes am I-"

Dave - "We should find somewhere to rest... We don't have any money so I guess we'll be sleeping on the streets, unless we can find something else."

George - "Ok, but what about these clothes-"

Dave - "Wait, I actually remember seeing a treehouse in a nearby forest. We should go there. It's only a two minute walk from here, so I guess we could go crash in there."

I'll ask him about the clothes thing later since he clearly doesn't want to talk about it right now. He stood up and signalled for us to follow him so we did. We continued walking. The further into the park we went, the darker it became.

My vision was bad enough as it was. I looked behind us seeing the bright lights from the firetrucks and ambulances. I turned back to face Dave before walking into a tree.

I heard laughing.

George - "Shut up, you would've done the same if you had bad eyesight."

I continued following them, I think...

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