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-Dave's POV-

->>_Friday, 10:46am_<<-


Zak - "I CAN'T, MY ARM-"

Clay - "Hello my friends."

I watched as Clay krept closer to us. I have no clue how he found us so quickly! Why attack us now of all times?!

I had two choices. Save Zak, or save Jacob. I couldn't save both because I can't carry two people at once. My sword WAS in the van that Clay just blew up! Screw Jacob and Zak, MY SWORD JUST GOT DESTROYED, DOES ANYBODY HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH MONEY I STOLE TO GET THAT?!

Where was Mega and George anyways?! They could be helping us right now! Maybe not Mega... But George could do something!

I needed to think of something quick. Something that could save everyone.

Before I knew it Clay had charged and me, punching me in the chest. I fell back onto the ground feeling the aching pain in my chest. Clay bolted closer and picked me up with one of his hands. He looked me in the eyes, I kept a brave face.

Clay - "Oh, Technoblade. The god of PVP... Is that true? How could such a mortal like you be that powerful? You're nothing but a weakling, a child, a pig!"

Clay began laughing insanely. I growled at him.

Dave - "You don't scare me!"

Clay - "I can scare-"

I watched as something pierced Clays head causing him to drop me onto the ground. I barely managed to stand up from the pain in my stomach.

Zak - "RUN!"

I watched as Zak began bolting away leaving Jacob behind. 

What a pro friend move Zak. 

I ran towards Jacob, I tried picking him up but couldn't. I felt my heart sink as I heard laughing behind me. My shoulder was in so much pain from the accident before, which made my whole arm almost useless.

I shook Jacob trying to wake him up. When the van exploded he was closest and it knocked him out again. He looked ok, we couldn't tell if something really hit him in the head again or not.

Clay - "Goodbye!"

I wrapped my good arm around Jacob and moved out of the way. That move saved us both since I saw Clay had his weird arm spike in the ground where we just were. 

He tried pulling his arm out of the ground but thankfully it got stuck. I struggled, but with the adrenaline pumping through me I was able to pick up Jacob and use my other arm even though it hurt like hell.

I began running, I wasn't as fast as Zak or George, but the farther away from Clay I was, the safer I'd be.

I ran into the forest, I was going to keep running, but I couldn't go much further. I saw a large row of blackberry bushes in front of us. They were covered in prickles, but they were large enough for us to hide inside. This would probably be one of the most painful things we've ever felt. Jacob probably won't wake up from this. I wish I was in his place right now. I positioned Jacob in a way so his face wouldn't get pricked. I shook off the chills and forced myself inside.

I felt my arms, legs, back, face, everything was being cut from the prickles. My body began to sting almost causing me to drop Jacob. I got closer to the center of the bush which had about 4 feet of empty space around the center. I felt blood dripping down every place on my body. I set Jacob down in the empty space forcing me to be forced into some of the prickles from lack of space.

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