>Hardcore Parkour<

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-George's POV-

->>_Friday, 2:26pm_<<-

I felt my body get thrown onto the ground as I heard Zak laughing like a maniac. I felt my arms being pinned down by the same creature that woke me up a little while ago.

I didn't have fire with me so I just had to use my normal strength.

I threw punches at the creature until it was knocked off of me by Dave. I quickly stood up with no time to thank him. I charged at the weird cat-dog creature and tackled it. But just like before, it teleported us into a weird pitch black place. We could see each other clear as day, but our surroundings were nothing but black.

Last time a creature like this woke me up, I got teleported into the same place. I can't breathe in here, and I don't think the cat creature can either. I continued to fight the creature in this space like void, then I remembered I still had the knife in my pocket from a while back so I pulled it out and stabbed the creature in the shoulder. It roared from this and we appeared about 10 feet off of the ground in the real world.

Once I hit the leaf covered ground I felt pain surge throughout my body.

The creature was recovering faster than I was.

My head spun as I struggled to get up. I was going to call for help when I glanced to my side seeing Dave helping Mega.

I was on my own.

I shook the feeling off and managed to stand still a bit dazed. I noticed Zak and Clay fighting, it looked terrifying to say the least, but I returned my focus to the creature as it lunged at me. I dodged it and looked around to see if I could find a source of fire, but even if I did, it was raining, which slowed me down.

The creature growled at me in anger. I spat at it in anger. This pissed the beast off and it charged directly at me.

I quickly kicked it in the face making it loose track of what it was doing. All of a sudden I saw lightning strike a tree just thirty feet away. The sound of thunder hurt my ears, but as soon as I saw the smoke I ran towards it since there might be a small fire.

The cat-like beast chased behind me as I approached the flames. The creature was a lot faster than I was and was catching up with insane speeds. I saw the entire fire, it was going out quickly, so I made a sharp turn right and headed towards a tree.

I jumped on it and began climbing. The tree had a lot of branches which made it easier, but since the fire was on the tip of a nearby tree, I needed to climb to access it. I heard the creature struggling to climb after me. But then I felt something slash my leg. I quickly looked and saw the creature had teleported onto a branch and was attacking me from there.

Since I was about 20 feet above ground, if I fell this time I could get seriously hurt. I got lucky last time. I kicked the creature in the face knocking it off the tree.

All of a sudden I saw a bright light flash nearby. I was scared about being so high up since there was a storm, but I had to keep going. I just realized that the distance between the tree I was on and the next was about 6 or 7 feet away.

If I went back down now, the cat thing would kill me. I climbed higher up the tree. I had to make this jump.

My hands were scratched and bloodied up from climbing the tree.

I looked at the tree next to me, I had to jump to it. If I miss... I'll die. Even if I don't die from the fall, that cat creature will be sure to kill me within seconds.

I prepared myself, feeling the adrenaline pumping throughout my body.

3... 2... 1... JUMP!

I boosted myself off of the branch I was standing on seconds ago. With swift movements I wrapped my arms and legs around the tree as I felt the impact which almost made me lose balance.

My whole body ached from doing that, but I had to keep going. My sleeves had torn from the trees roughness, and I watched as blood dribbled down my arms. I shook it off, and looked for the next tree to jump to.

I saw the next tree wasn't as far as the other one, but it had barely any branches. Even if I did land on one, it would most likely snap.

I ignored all the thoughts telling me I was going to die. I braced myself for the next jump.

This time, I jumped not bothering to count down. Once I had impact with the tree, I slid down it a little until I came into contact with a branch. My whole body was in pain and I had a headache, but I was only two trees away from the fire.

Now that I look at it, the fire has gotten so much smaller. I needed to go faster.

I carefully put my weight onto the branch under me. I heard a cracking sound as soon as I put my full weight on it, but it didn't snap.

The next tree in front of me had one large branch that I might be able to jump too. It was about 8 feet away. My hands hurt so much, I don't know if I'll be able to grab onto it.

I looked down, which I regret doing. I saw the cat-dog creature climbing up the tree I was currently on. The creature was getting closer at an insane speed. I looked at the branch in front of me, I probably won't be able to make it, but I can't wait forever.

I felt the rain on my face from the storm. I needed to make this jump, I can't die, not now.

I pushed myself forward off of the branch I was on. Within seconds I felt the branch hit me right in the stomach, hurting me, causing me to begin to fall. Quickly, with instinct, I used my hands and held onto the branch for my life.

Here I was, dangling above a drop that could kill me, in the wet rain. Right at death's doorstep. I began to pull myself up onto the branch with as much strength as I could possibly give. I managed to pull myself onto the branch, I coughed a bit from the impact of the tree.

I looked up and saw that I only needed to jump two more times to get to the fire, which was only a few feet tall now. I crawled towards the large part of the tree and used it to balance myself. I felt blood seeping down my arms and onto my hands, not helping my grip. I looked at the next tree which was not very far, actually, I could probably just step onto the next branch since it was only 3 or 4 feet away. I took a big step to the next branch, which wasn't hard at all.

All I had to do now, was jump to the next tree, and climb a bit, then I had access to the fire that was shrinking. This jump was going to be near impossible. But I had to do it, I just had to. This jump was about 10 feet away, but if I jumped and landed further down the tree, I could make it...


I heard a loud growling from behind me, when I turned around I was faced with that creature. I was already about 30 or maybe even 40 feet above the forest floor which didn't help my situation at all.

Without thinking, I turned towards the tree with the fire and with all my courage, I jumped.

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