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-Mega's POV-

->>_Saturday, 5:07pm_<<-

I began yawning. We've been walking in the forest for hours looking for Clay. We don't even have any weapons. Our only plan is to inject the liquid into him after he pins another one of us down.

My feet hurt like shit and I almost tripped again like five minutes ago. I'm exhausted from all the walking we've been doing but Dave keeps saying: "He's right around here, we can't let our guard down." so he won't let me rest. George keeps telling him we should rest now instead of later because we aren't close to him now, and he will probably find us later.

George - "Dave, can we stop for at least five minutes."

Dave - "We can, only if you want to die."

I slugged on behind them. Dave is probably still mad because he didn't get his piggyback earlier because he was too heavy. He should be the one giving us piggyback rides considering he is the pig after all.

George - "Come on Dave, Mega looks really tired."

Mega - "I'm fine."

I can't be a burden...

Dave - "He says he's fine."

George - "Have you looked at him!?"

Dave - "You sound like an angry mother on her period. Take a break nerd, the kid says he's fine, so he's fine."

I heard George sigh and I stopped as he stood in front of me.

George - "Mega, be honest, are you ok?"

Mega - "I'm fine..."

Dave - "See-"

George - "Mega, be honest."

I didn't reply to his question. I didn't want to seem weak. What if Dave's right? What if we die if we take a break?

Dave - "We aren't stopping."

George - "Fine. Mega come here."

I walked towards him. What does he-

Mega - "No, put me down."

He had picked me up and was carrying me over his shoulder.

George - "You need a break, and if Dave isn't gonna stop walking, I'm gonna carry you."

Mega - "I can walk on my own."

George - "I could hear you breathing and I was a few meters away."

Mega - "At least don't carry me over your shoulder."

George - "Alright."

It felt like he was going to drop me so I tightened my grip around him.

Mega - "Don't drop me, please."

Well that came out childish.

George - "Don't worry, I won't."

He had his arms around me as if he was hugging me. My feet were so sore from walking that it felt like they were going to explode at any moment. 

I rested an arm on his shoulder than rested my head on my arm. I looked behind us as we slowly made our way through the forest.

My eyelids began feeling heavy the longer I watched the forest floor as George and Dave continued to walk.

I got as comfortable as I could, falling asleep not long afterwards.

->>_Saturday, 8:16pm_<<-

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