>Final Battle Pt.1<

200 14 36

~Long Chapter~

-Dave's POV-

->>_⚠️_|:|Battle Commencing...|:|_⚠️_<<-

I watched as Clay threw the sword inside whatever place we were in, slamming the door afterwards.

I chuckled.

Clay said no cheating, since he never said what cheating counted as, we're going to be attacking him when he has just let us out, not giving him any time to think at all.

I held onto the sword in my hand as George held the syringe in his hand as we stood by the door. 

We don't need to have this huge battle when we could just end it swiftly. It will be so much easier.

George - "Dave, I just wanted to say thank you for being so nice to me all this time."

Dave - "No worries man."

George - "You stuck by me this entire time, and we might both die from Clay, so there is something I wanted to tell you before we do this..."

Dave - "What is it?"

George - "I just wanted to say I love you, no homo."

Dave - "I love you too, no homo."

He smiled at me and I politely returned the smile

All of a sudden the room we were in began rotating to the side making the wall with the door now the floor.

All of the bodies attached to the wall began falling off with their wrists breaking off. Of course one of the bodies landed on me as I got kinda trapped against the wall/floor. Of course the body that fell on me was Vincent's. Did Clay seriously take all this time to dig the bodies back up that we had been already buried. I wasn't there to attend the funerals but they did tell me who they buried... Before they died. How are they still so fresh anyways? It's like they've been in a freezer this whole time to keep them less dead...

I pushed his body off of me seeing more bodies continued to fall.

George didn't have one fall on him yet but before I could continue to think I heard a familiar evil wheeze coming from beyond the door although it's below us. I stood near the door and so did George as we continued to wait for Clay to open it.

All of a sudden the wall/floor we were standing on broke open causing George and I to fall through.

As soon as I landed my vision became blurry as I struggled to sit up.

Clay - "Pathetic. Can't even keep your balance."

I managed to get onto my hands and knees and looked around see we were on a grassy mountain with no trees, but when I looked back up to the box we fell from, it was gone.

Dave - "What do you want Clay?"

Clay - "I could sense you being... Unfair. I heard your entire conversation, you can't fool me. Anyways, you need to be punished for trying to cheat."

He began walking towards me and I began backing away.


Clay turned towards George.

Clay - "Do you want to get punished as well?"

George - "Just don't hurt-"

Clay punched George causing his nose to bleed. Then we stayed silent as Clay walked over to me and knelt in front of me. I could stab him right now, but there would be no point in doing so since he'd probably heal right away.

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