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-Megas POV-

->>_Saturday, 7:28am_<<-

We continued to walk along the street looking for a place where we could find weapons. Dave wanted to ask a stranger where one would be, but George said it was too risky.

The longer we walked, the more my chest hurt, as if I'd been running for hours. I felt exhausted, although, normally I wouldn't. Yesterday I was perfectly fine, but today... Not so much. I don't know what's wrong with me, but all I know is that I don't want to slow Dave and George down, they have a job to do. I've already been a burden enough just making them drag me along, slowing them down will just make them hate me more, as well.

I sneezed again which caused my chest to fill with pain making me want to clutch onto it, but I couldn't, I can't show any signs of weakness, not now, not ever.

George - "You ok Mega? You've been sneezing a lot ever since we left that treehouse."

Mega - "Yeah, I'm fine, it's just the dust taking a toll on me, but I'll be fine."

George - "Alright."

We continued to walk in silence for a few more minutes with the pain in my chest only growing by the second.

The pain continued to get worse making it hard for me to even take a single step forward. I don't know what's wrong with me, my body just hates me right now.

My vision began getting blurry, what's going on?

I stopped walking to catch my breath only for George and Dave to turn around and look at me.

George - "You sure you ok Mega?"

Mega - "I'm f-fine..."

Dave - "He looks like he's starving."

George - "Mega, when was the last time you ate?"

Mega - "B-before we left the apartment."

Dave - "I was there with him when he ate."

George - "Well, Mega, when was the last time you drank water?"

Now that I think of it. I haven't had much water at all recently, on top of the two days we haven't eaten anything.

I shrugged to answer Georges question sneezing not long after. If I was dehydrated then why am I sneezing so much? Maybe that part really was just dust...

I felt like fainting for a brief moment but stood up straight and walked past George and Dave. I can't be a burden.

Mega - "Come on, we need to find a few weapons."

George - "Ok?"

I heard Dave and George follow behind me. I bet they're suspicious. If I show no signs of being weak, then they won't get mad at me for slowing them down.

I remember when I lived with my parents they'd hit me if I did anything wrong. Ever since my sister died they haven't been the same. Good thing I'm not with them any longer... Sometimes I worry that if I do anything wrong, mess up, or be a burden, everybody will get mad at me and hurt me... Since my dad said if I hurt myself he'd rip out my teeth so I couldn't speak, I was depressed. I did end up hurting myself, but internally. That's another reason why I didn't like talking. I was afraid they'd hear me be joyful, because the last time I felt happy around them, they beat me...

When I hurt myself internally when I was young before I cut my arms, it left scars nobody could see. I almost died once because I put thumbtacks in my mouth. I still remember all the blood, all that blood, it was everywhere... All the pain... All the suffering...

George - "MEGA!"

I felt George shaking me.

Mega - "W-what?!"

George - "You almost passed out."

Mega - "Oh, s-sorry... I was just thinking..."

Dave - "Well next time try not to think unless you want to hit the concrete so hard your head smashes open."

I felt tears prick my eyes at those words. I know we were running from Clay and it was kind of stressful, but those words still hurt.

I continued to walk forward ahead of the others until I turned into an ally way.

George - "Mega?"

Mega - "Leave me alone..."

I walked over to the corner of the ally and faced the wall hugging onto my knees. I didn't know what else to do since if I stood up again, I'd probably pass out.

George - "Are you okay?"

Mega - "NO-"

My voice faded into nothing again. I felt my eyelids getting heavy but I recovered from passing out when George tried to pull on my arm.

I hissed at him and watched as he backed away a little.

Dave - "Mega what's going on?"

I didn't answer them. I just need to get away for a bit before returning...

I noticed a hole in the wall near me. I could probably fit inside because of my small size. Sometimes I'm glad I'm smaller, although people say I'm too small, or skinny as they may say it.

My gaze turned to George and Dave one more time before I made my way over to the hole in the wall trying to crawl inside.

George - "MEGA!"

I made it further into the gap in the wall until I felt something scrape against my thigh. I winced from the pain as I felt a warm liquid dribble down it.

My stomach ached with pain and I felt like throwing up.

George - "MEGA COME BACK!"

I could hear the sadness in his voice as he called my name.

Maybe I should go back... Dave didn't mean anything rude, right?... But what if he hits me... No... Dave wouldn't do that... Would he?

I managed to turn around in the small gap seeing George trying to get in.

George - "Come on Mega, please, please come back."

I sighed and slowly began crawling back to him ignoring the pain in my thigh. I felt so dizzy and tired, I just need rest at this point.

The closer I got to George, the more tired I felt. As I got closer I felt something bite my arm but I was too tired to yell. I watched as George backed away from the exit, but as I approached, I felt something scratch me from my neck down my back and to my waist. The pain this place has caused me, the smell...

I should've never came in here in the first place, because now, I'm being a real burden. George will hate me... Dave will hurt me... They'll leave me behind so Clay can get me...

I felt my vision slowly brimming with darkness until I barely made it out of the tunnel as I collapsed on the cold pavement.

My eyes slowly shut as I passed out.

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