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-Zaks POV-

->>_Friday, 10:54am_<<-

I continued to run as fast as I could.

Why the hell did I just leave them there?! To die!?

I was angry at myself for what I did earlier, so now I've gotten the courage and am now heading back to them. I don't know where they are, but all I hope is that they're ok.

I almost tripped on a branch as I ran through the forest. I continued to run back the way I came. I don't know what to do once I get there. All I know is that they could be dead-

I stopped dead in my tracks hearing Georges voice. I looked around seeing nothing, then following his voice through the forest.

Within a few seconds I found him lying against a tree with Mega curled up onto his lap. I ran over to them, at least they were ok.

George - "Zak, what happened?! I heard an explosion."

Zak - "Clay's here. I don't know where Dave and Jacob are."

A part of me wanted to tell him what I did, but if I did he'd probably leave me to get killed by Clay. I shook the thought away for now.

Zak - "Is Mega asleep?"

George - "Yeah, he's been asleep since..."

Zak - "Since what?"

George - "Well... He has ice powers and attacked me."

Zak - "Wow, ok."

George - "I have fire powers so I could always counter it."

Zak - "How do you know he won't attack you again?"

George - "We can just hope, just like we hoped you wouldn't turn evil."

That hurt a little, ouch.

Zak - "Should we go look for the others?"

George - "After Mega wakes up."

Zak - "Why don't we just wake him up now?"

George - "I don't really know if I should..."

Zak - "Come on, it'll be fine."

George - "Okay, if you say so."

I watched as George lightly shook Mega.

Mega opened his eyes, looked around then quickly scooted away from us.

George - "You okay Mega?"

Mega just shook his head and stood up then looked at me, then at George. He looked okay, I didn't really see what could be wrong with him, I mean, Ice powers seem like a cool thing to have. Not some stupid creepy power that changes your body into every child's worst nightmare...

George - "Mega?"

He just rolled his eyes at us then began walking away. George stood up and shrugged and began to follow him, and so did I.

We continued to follow Mega until he suddenly stopped.

Zak - "Mega?"

George - "What is it?"

He turned around and looked at us. He signalled for us to follow him, so we did. I wonder where he wanted us to go. I wish he actually talked to us, now that we know he can talk.

As we continued to follow him we heard talking, it sounded like Jacob and Dave. We headed towards the voices until we came across a giant line of bushes. The voices suddenly stopped so I spoke up.

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