
194 11 16

-Dave's POV-

->>_Friday, 1:45pm_<<-

I continued to laugh as I held a hand on my shoulder which Mega just cut. 

Mega - "Fuck you."

Dave - "You really are a kid aren't you?"

I took the knife from him.

Dave - "Can't even prevent me from taking this knife."

Mega - "Whatever."

He turned around and walked over to the corner and sat down facing the wall. Did he just give himself time out?

Once I finished laughing and placed a hand on my head since it still hurt a little from earlier. I sat down on the badly made wooden floor.

We need to get out of here soon. Clay is probably on his way here. If anything he'll be here in the next ten minutes. I stood back up.

Dave - "We need to leave this place, Clay knows we are weak and he is probably almost here by now. We need to leave."

George - "I agree, but we don't have a vehicle."

Dave - "I mean. We might not but."

I made a hand gesture to Mega. He turned around and walked towards me angrily as if he knew what I was talking about.

Mega - "No."

Dave - "But-"

Mega - "NO! Listen to me. That first time you just got lucky, it's not happening a second time. You can't make me do anything I don't want to do. Plus, I don't even know how I did that."

Dave - "Fine. We better start running then, because we can't sit here all day and do nothing. Come on, lets go and get a move on."

George - "Zak, you're the fastest one of us. Could you run ahead and see if there is anywhere we could rest?"

Zak - "I... I'm sorry. I don't want to talk to you guys right now."

This man was fine two minutes ago, now he's all sad about Jakes death?... He's sad...

No Dave, you aren't weak like the others. Jacob lived a brave life and you already said goodbye. Don't cry over his death. We didn't need him anyways.

Right. I need to stay strong and not let my guard down.

I walked over to Zak.

Dave - "Listen up. We need to go, NOW. If we don't we'll all die just like Jacob did. You all heard me right? George? Mega? Zak? You can all be sappy later when we are not running from our deaths."


A part of me couldn't handle what he said making me slap him.


George - "Dave? Are you ok?"

Dave - "No, NO! I'm NOT ok, but you know what? That won't stop me from helping you all. You just have to listen, just listen to me until you are safe... Until we, are safe."

George - "I... Ok Dave."

Dave - "Zak, listen to me, please. We need to get out of here. Afterwards we can all cry-"

Zak - "We?"

I had just realized what I said. I mentally facepalmed.

Dave - "N-no. I meant-"

Mega - "I told you he was a softie."

Dave - "Shut up. Lets just go."

George - "Ok, what's the plan?"

Dave - "We stick together, that is rule number one. Rule number two, don't fight. From this point forward, we work together, no matter what happens. Rule number three... We bring justice to Jake, Darryl, Vincent, and everyone else who's died from Clay."

George - "Wow, you've gained a lot of pride."

Dave - "Not pride, clout."

I smiled, for the first time in a while I felt like a real leader. I remember when I thought cash meant everything. Oh how wrong I was.

Dave - "Here's the plan. Didn't the real Clay say something about a cure?"

Zak - "Yeah."

Dave - "We don't know what that cure is. So we either have to figure it out, or kill both Clay's, since that's probably what will happen."

Mega - "Let's just kill both."

George - "I say we find the cure."

Zak - "Actually... For once I agree with Mega. What happens if we bring him back? We get a hug and a kiss then what? What if finding this cure kills us and we could've just killed him? I don't know... I just don't think it's worth it."

I sighed. Mega, George, and Zak looked at me waiting for an answer.

Dave - "Can you give me a minute to think about this?"

George - "Yeah. But be quick, we don't have all day."

I walked towards the exit, opening the door of the shed. I sat down on a rock that was a bit wet from the rain. I looked off into the distance. We were in someone's shed out in a field. If we got caught we'd get a huge fine, but we didn't care right now.

Now that I think of it. If Clay kills all of us youtubers, will he take over the world? Wait... Are we like mysterious heros now? I chuckled, heroes... 

I looked up at the sky feeling the water on my face. I closed my eyes and felt the cold breeze. It's surprising how fast the weather changes, one minute it's sunny, then the next it's rainy... Hold on... Wasn't it the 26th today?... Doesn't that mean tomorrow is Jakes birthday?... He never got to see it... He was so close, yet so far. All because of me... If I didn't push Mega out of my way, he would still be alive...

Something in me broke. I didn't know what caused me to feel this way, what was I feeling? Guilt? Truth? Or... Sadness. Here I was, sitting in the rain, I was sad.

I felt something warm dribble down the side of my face. For a minute, I wondered what was going on. Until I realized. I wasn't just sad, no, I was crying. I miss Jacob. I wish he was alive. I just want him to be here still. I never did get him to cry... I guess I lost our bet, first to cry... Heh... I remember that one time he said he wouldn't cry, even if I died... I remember saying "Bet"... I guess I really am a softie...

All of a sudden, a blue glow coming from the cube got my attention. It was the same blue glow that took over the cube earlier. It was not dark blue or light blue. It was the perfect tone of blue. It was ocean blue.

I heard something coming from the cube, so I brought it closer to my ear. At first I couldn't make out what it was, until I heard...


Not just any voices, it was Jake's voice, but he wasn't alone, a familiar french accent that I had forgotten for so very long returned.

Dave - "J-Jacob?!"

No response. Was I hearing things!? Could they hear me?! Was this real?!?!

Dave - "Jake?!"

Still no response. Then I noticed something about the cube. It wasn't just blue now, but it also had a light grey. I put the cube right up to my ear, and could hear a conversation! Vincent and Jake... Talking to each other...

I cried.

They were alive!... But... Jake got stabbed... Unless.. This isn't just them...

It's their souls.

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