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-Dave's POV-

->>_Friday, 7:55am_<<-

I layed back on the couch. Thinking about earlier.

Why did I help Mega?

I guess I felt bad for the guy. I mean, he's been taking it harder than the rest of us. Wait until he figures out why we're running. Mega will be a good addition to the team. We need someone who's not a freak, a baby, or a nerd. Mega just needs a little help, that's all.

I glanced upwards as I watched Zak walk towards me.

Dave - "Goodmorning."

Zak - "Goodmorning..."

I watched as he yawned.

Dave - "Is George still sleeping?"

Zak - "Yeah, I guess he needs it."

I turned my head towards the front door as we hear a loud bang on it. Zak and I glance at each other. I cautiously got up from the couch and approached the front door.

Could it be Clay? It could be... I don't think any normal person would make that loud of a noise. Unfortunately the door didn't have a peephole. So I'll just have to be extra cautious.

Maybe I should go and get a weapon first... No, If I back away from the door, it could be someone in need of help. They might leave if no one answers.

I lightly placed my hand on the door handle before gently turning it, opening it.

Before I could realize what was going on I got knocked onto the ground. Zak yelled. At first I thought it was Clay, but then I saw what was pinning me to the ground. 

It wasn't Clay, not even a human. It was a weird, wolf-lion hybrid. One thing I could say is, it didn't look happy. The creature was black with white eyes and it had purple vines weaving in and out of its body. The creature tried to bite me but I used my hand to hit it. It didn't react very well and dug its claws into my arm.


Zak - "Oh, right."

I was being attacked and he was just standing there and doing nothing? Classic Zak, classic.

Zak tried to pull it off, but he just got clawed. The wolf-lion thing made a loud roar which obviously got everyone else's attention. I heard others rushing towards me.

Jacob - "What the fuck is that?!"


The animal, if you could call it that. Continued to try to bite me while I tried to get it off. I slightly glanced upwards seeing Jacob holding a knife, he let it down at the creature, but before the creature got stabbed, it disappeared.

What the fuck.

I quickly got up and saw Zak which the animal was fighting. I saw Mega standing there scared and confused. I was just as confused as everyone else, what the fuck is this thing.

I was about to grab my sword when I remembered I left it in the van. Instead I rushed towards the kitchen grabbing a steak knife. I gripped onto it and rushed over to help Zak. This creature was about 5 feet tall, and looked only a little smaller than a lion. But it was definitely bigger than a wolf.

I tried to stab the creature with my knife, but yet again, it disappeared.

Note to self, do not aggravate teleporting lions.

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