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-Mega's POV-

->>_Saturday, 7:11am_<<-

I slowly opened my eyes only to see the bright light shining through the cracks in the roof of the treehouse. I was about to get up when I remembered that George was hugging me. When I went to move his hands I realized both his arms were wrapped around me, and on top of that, Dave had a hand around me too. This meant all three of us were squished together.

I sighed accepting my fate of sandwich bread.

Then I began to panic as I heard scratching again.

What if the bear never left...

I didn't really know what to do about it, maybe I should wake George up again...

I tried moving my arms but George wouldn't let go. I sighed and turned my position around so I was facing George.

Mega - "George."

He was still asleep.

Mega - "George."

Still asleep.

Mega - "GEORGE."

He still didn't budge.

What would wake him up...

I smiled as I put my evil plan into the works. I swung my knee into Georges crotch.

Mega - "GET UP!"

George - "W-why did you do that?!"

Mega - "You wouldn't let go of me. This is your fault, not mine."

It took George a few seconds to realize the position we were in. I felt happy as he began to let go of me, then DAVE WRAPS HIS ARMS AROUND ME MAKING GEORGE STUCK IN THE MIDDLE.

George - "We should definitely wake him up."

Mega - "No shit."

George - "Dave."

He's probably not gonna wake up.

George - "DAVE!"

Dave - "No."


Dave - "But it's considerably comfortable here."

George - "Too bad now-"

George suddenly went silent.

Mega - "George?"

I watched as he began to blush. What's going on?

Mega - "You ok?"

George - "P-please w-wake him up."

Dave then shifted his position and moved one of his arms off of me.

George - 'Please, just wake him- MEGA HELP'

Mega - "Only if you tell me what he's doing to you."

George - "Ok, ok, ok. So, sometimes when Jacob, Zak and I used to take turns sleeping with Dave, and if he was in a good mood that day he'd do the same thing he is now. Sometimes it gets terrible but it didn't happen often but why is it happening now of all times?! Did he seriously enjoy Zak or Jake dying?!"

Mega - "What is he doing though?"

George - "Well... None of us ever talked to him about it before, but sometimes in his sleep he hugs one of us then doesn't let go, but then rarely after he hugs us, he adjusts his position so that his... I... I'm sorry Mega, I can't say, you're too young to know."

Mega - "I'm fifteen..."

George - "Still to young."

Mega - "Ok?"

I have an idea of what's going on. George sounded a lot more embarrassed after Dave moved his hand. So Dave is probably grinding George with a hand in his pants? Lol. If he does that all the time in his sleep, why didn't they just not sleep with Dave, unless they did want to get grinded by him...

 George - "Mega could you please move him?"

Mega - "If you haven't already noticed I'm stuck."

I began feeling like sneezing so I looked away from George and sneezed.

Then I looked back up at George who was staring at me.

Mega - "What?"

George - "Your sneeze is adorable."

Mega - "Isn't flirting with a fifteen year old illegal considering you're 8 years older than me?"

George - "No, I didn't mean it that way. You're just a kid, and I think that's cute."

Mega - "Wow, just a kid. What an insult."

I heard scratching below us again which scared me a bit.

George sighed and began moving Dave's arms trying to get Dave off of me. After Dave let go I quickly got onto my feet lightly sneezing again. I walked up to George and saw the terrible position he was in. Dave was now hugging him instead and I couldn't help myself and I just laughed.

George - "You're so mean."

Mega - "Want help or not?"

George - "Ok, ok, you're not mean, you're... Nice?"

Mega - "I'll take it."

I walked up to Dave and stood on his ribcage causing him to yell in pain. I got off of him and watched as George made an escape while he still could.


Mega - "It's not my fault George asked me to help after you fucked him."

Dave - "What..."

George looked at me in disappointment and embarrassment, then I looked at the ground sneezing again.

My thoughts got cut off by the scratching sound again. I walker over to the exit and looked down the ladder seeing no bears. I layed down and looked under the ladder to see the creature that was scratching at the wood was a raccoon. I sighed in relief.

I stood up and turned around only to be faced with Dave, who looked pissed.

Dave - "Why are you making up all these lies?"

Mega - "What lies?"

Dave - "I get you're a horny teenager and all, but that doesn't mean you get to lie about me "fucking" George. That's very rude to say and I'm not happy you said it."

Mega - "But it's true."

Dave - "George, is it true?"

George - "Ummm... Well..."

I chuckled as I watch Dave get embarrassed. 

Mega - "You've done it before in your sleep apparently as well."


Mega - "But it's the truth?"

George - "Whatever."

I climbed down the ladder of the treehouse and stood on the forest floor. I yawned and looked around at my surroundings.

I sneezed again but this time it hurt a little. I wasn't sneezing earlier, maybe there was just a lot of dust inside of the tree house. I looked around the area as I heard the other two climbing down the ladder.

Dave - "We should get moving, we have to go find a place where we can get weapons to fight Clay so that he becomes weak before we cure him."

George - "But what if he dies when we cure him?"

Dave - "I guess we'll have to wait and see."

Dave and George began walking in a direction and I followed them further into the underbrush.

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