>Later Pal<

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-Dave's POV-

->>_A Few Seconds Before Tragedy..._<<-

I grabbed on Zaks hand only to realize there was a few thorns in my hand.

Dave - "Oh... Sorry. Now come on, lets go."

We all continued to run. I was in the back with Jacob while Zak, George, and Mega bolted ahead. As we ran, I heard footsteps behind us so I turned around only to see Clay, back in his weird monstrous form with a huge grin on his face. He was charging right at me. I watched as someone got in my way.


He stood in front of me, arms out. But right before impact. I heard a yell, my ears rang from the noise.

Jacob - "NO!"

He stepped in front of Mega. All of a sudden I felt a force against me knocking me onto the ground.

My head clashed against the ground, most likely a rock. Because the next thing I knew, everything was blurry.

I heard crunching noises, as if someone was eating something... No... Someone...

I quickly made my way out from underneath Mega and Jacob... Or that's what I thought... I managed to stand onto my feet. I couldn't hear anything except the ringing in my ears.

Once my eyes began to focus. All I saw was a giant ice cat fighting Clay. I glanced at something that was on the ground, it took me a moment to realize who it was.


We just spent a long time bonding this past year, only for him to get killed?! I was angry, but this was bound to happen to someone. But this wouldn't explain where Mega went and why there was a giant cat attacking Clay.

Something caught my eye in Jacobs pocket. Something was glowing a bright red, it was flashing as well.

The Cube...

I began walking towards it but fell.

Here I was, crawling over to my dead friend because of something that was flashing red. Once I got a better look at my friends body, I realized he had been stabbed right through the chest. His lifeless body creeped me out. I felt... Sad... A part of me... Wanted to cry... But I held it together. 

I reached my hand into his sweaters pocket pulling out the cube. As soon as I got a hold of it the color changed. It wasn't red anymore, or green, light blue, brown. It had two colors and two colors only.

A Ocean Blue, and Pink.

But they moved around in the cube, as if they were chasing one another. My hearing began coming back and I heard yelling, sobbing, screaming (Mostly Zaks), and laughing. A part of me knew Jacob was dead but a part of me continued to question itself.

Is he really gone?

Something about the cube I held in my hands showed importance. As if you were holding onto someone's life. Is this why Jacob always kept it safe?

All of a sudden, more colors began appearing.

Orange, Red, Cyan, Grey, Green, A Dark Blue, they all reminded me of something... Not something... People. All of the colors matched a person who's died... Died from... Clay.

Orange must be Sapnap, Red is definitely Darryl, Cyan is GeorgeNotFound, Grey was Vincent, Green... It couldn't be Clay... Harvey? That dark blue... Maybe that's Vurb. I never knew the guy well, I just knew he was a pug in a onesie. 

More and more colors appeared, Wilber, Tommy, so many... Has Clay killed all of these people?!

That blue I saw chasing the pink filled the cube. Then shocked me lightly, not enough for me to drop it, but enough for me to feel it. 

Before I could continue thinking I felt someone pick me up.

I watched as they began taking me away.

Later Pal. I'll miss ya Jake, I really will.

I glanced up at who was carrying me.

It was George. Really? At least Zak isn't carrying me since he would probably drop me. I felt bad for Jacob although we were probably most distant.

Dave - "Where-"

My head hurt as soon as I stopped causing me to flinch.

I can't believe I have to be carried. I should be carrying the others!

I tried getting out of Georges arms but he wouldn't let me. Normally I'd be able to but stupid Clay made it so I couldn't.

My life has come to this moment. Me, holding a cube while being carried by a nerd. How was he this strong anyways. I shook it off in my head.

My hearing fully returned and I was able to hear loud roaring while I also heard Zaks screaming, geez, I know Jacob just died but that doesn't mean he has to act like a wife who just got cheated on. Zaks screams are probably the sixth worst thing to happen to the orphans since all of them on earth could probably hear his screams from here.

I didn't want to be slowing the others down so I tried to talk again but I only ended up having a coughing fit.

I glanced up at George again. He looked like he was exhausted, sad, tired, oh wait, he probably is all of those things.

I tried speaking again, this time I was able to spit out a few words.

Dave - "Where are Z-Zak and-..."

I paused to take a breather.

Dave - "And Mega?"

George - "Zak's running a b-bit ahead. Mega is... I d-don't know what he is."

Dave - "Is he that giant cat?"

George - "Yeah."

That explains a lot. 

I couldn't really see much behind us since I was being carried bridal style.

All of a sudden I heard large heavy footsteps approach us. I thought it was Clay until I saw a giant ice cat make its way beside us. It looked at me. I knew it was Mega, but god did he fucking look cool.

His fur looked like it was covered in frost, but you could tell by his legs that he was just ice since you could see through those. Other then that he was covered in a silky white layer of fluff. He didn't look like a lion, but more like a giant house cat. His eyes were a crystal blue.

George - "C-could you carry him?"

Mega nodded and we slowed down. I didn't know where Clay was. All I knew is that I wish Jacob could see this epic sight right now. 

I felt as George placed me onto Megas back.

George - "Why are you waiting?"

Mega roared and then nodded to George.

Dave - "I think he-"

I took a breath.

Dave - "I think he wants you to get on."

George - "Oh u-umm... Thanks..."

I managed to sit up and I knew George was getting on behind me.

This was pretty cool. Now that I think of it. Mega was FIFTEEN and we were. I chuckled, we were riding him. That sounds so wrong now that I think of it.

Mega began moving. I felt like I was going to fall off so I lightly held onto his fur. That was so weird to think of. So... Mega has ice powers and can turn into a giant cat... Does that mean George could turn into something like that?... Maybe...

I glanced upwards at the trees above. I felt like I was important now... Like I was needed for something... Something... Important. I wonder what that could be.

I tightened my grip on the cube I held in my hand. I took a fresh breath of the cold air around us. Clay said something about a cure... a cure... I wonder what kind of cure he meant...

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