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-George's POV-

->>_Friday, 8:04am_<<-

I winced at the pain as I placed the wet cloth on the side of my face, on the scratch wound. I sighed looking at it in the mirror. It looked better than before, but it still hurt one way or another. It was too big to put a bandaid on. The worst part is it wasn't just a scratch, it was a full on claw mark. I sighed dropping the bloody cloth back into the sink. I walked out of the bathroom towards the living room seeing Dave and Jacob sitting on the couch. I then noticed Dave hasn't done anything to clean his wound yet, although if I told him to, he'd probably refuse.

I signalled to Jacob to scoot over so I could have a seat next to him, and he scooted over a little continuing to tinker with that cube of his. His hand looked a bit burned, but he was using it like there was no pain at all.

George - "Is your hand ok?"

Jacob - "Yeah, it's fine."

The cube he held in his hands was brown, light blue, and green. I watched the colors slightly move around the cube, it was quite mesmerizing actually.

A part of me wanted to take that cube away from Jacob, so he paid less attention to it, and more to us... But then again, I could take it and keep it for myself-

Jacob - "George?"

George - "Oh, ummm, yeah?"

Jacob - "Have you seen Zak or Mega? They went into a bedroom, and still havn't come out yet."

George - "I mean, what's the worst that could happen? They seem good for each other, a fifteen and a ten year old."

Jacob - "If Zak heard that, he'd be really angry."

George - "I know."

Jacob - "That's why I'm gonna go tell him."

George - "What-"

I watched as Jacob got up quickly and walked over to the hallway where the bedrooms were. I got up and ran after him.

Once I made it into the room I saw Jacob on the ground with Zak and Mega standing around him laughing.

Jacob - "Why did you do that."

I saw a whipped cream can in Mega's hand. I began to laugh as well.

Mega - "L-loser."

Jacob - "How rude. I was going to get whipped cream for you today, but I guess you found some first. Next time I won't be getting you anything like this."

I watched as Jacob stood up with whipped cream covering his face.

Jacob - "I hate you too. I was going to warn you guys about something, but never mind."

I watched as Jacob angrily walked out.

George - "Why'd you prank him?"

Zak - "Mega said he deserves it."

Mega - "S-so do you."

I watched as Mega put some whipped cream in his hand, then threw a bunch of it at Zak.

Zak - "HEY! WHAT DID I DO?!"

His voice largely cracked. Zak's voice has been a bit more high pitched and scratchy recently. Maybe it's because he's been changing, a lot.

I laughed, without realizing Mega threw some at me too.

George - "Really Mega?"

He smiled and walked away, probably going to go get Dave next.

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