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-George's POV-

Silence can always mean something different...

People say silence is when birds chirp, and the wind blows against the leaves, but that isn't true silence... Right?...

No, it isn't...

 True silence is when your breathing stops, your body fills with fear, the figment of your mind beginning to disappear.

When all hope is lost, and you can't even process what is going through your now empty, and cold mind.

Silence is when somebody close has produced there last breath, and there is no return of what is left.

->>_Saturday, 8:21pm_<<-


I looked at what I saw in front of me. Feeling the warm liquid of my friends blood running down my face...

Dave - "GEORGE!"

He slapped me across the face, bringing me back to reality.

Dave - "WE NEED TO GO, NOW!"

Clay - "You don't look so well, let me give you a helping hand!"

Dave pushed me out of the way, stopping me from getting stabbed by Clay.


I got up quickly feeling tears falling down my face. I began running side by side with Dave as Clay sat there laughing. I looked behind me, one last time.

Now there were only two of us left.

We're gonna die. We're gonna die! WE'RE GONNA DIE!

I saw Mega's body laying on it's side, headless. I saw the large rock next to him that smashed in his face, causing his blood to go everywhere... It was an awful sight that I'd never be able to forget... If I make it out alive that is...

I looked back in front of me. I couldn't turn back, no matter how much I wanted to fight because it would only be a death sentence for me.

We just ran, and ran, without stopping, hoping... Hoping we'd make it somewhere safe...

So many thoughts trailed throughout my mind.

Mega's dead, Zak's dead, Jake's dead, WE'RE ALL GOING TO BE DEAD EVENTUALLY... There is no escape from this madness... No escape...

After who knows how long we ran. I looked behind us seeing Clay wasn't there. I just needed process what just happened...



He stopped running and so did I. I lightly fell back onto the forest floor looking up at the sky.

Clay probably killed Mega just to hurt us... To hurt me...

I just layed there, on the ground, and cried. I hoped nothing bad would happen, but this is exactly what happens when I think that way... People die.

For fucks sake, we don't even know if I am even a person anymore.

I glanced at Dave who was walking around in circles with his hands on his head. He looked like he was holding back something, holding back tears.

I just stood up and walking over to him, giving him the biggest hug I ever could.

He immediately hugged me back and cried.

We just stood there in the forest crying with each other.

Clay - "Am I interrupting?"

We quickly pulled away and looked at Clay who was holding Mega's body, headless.


Clay - "What? Does it look like I'm a normal mortal?"

He began laughing like a maniac.

Clay threw the body down in front of us causing blood to gush out of it when he did so.

Clay - "You know... I could kill you both right now, but why not have a bit more fun first?"

I heard yelling next to me as I saw Dave on his knees.

The back of his legs looked like they'd just been cut open a little.

I looked Clay dead in the eyes.

George - "You are going to get what's coming to you! YOU WILL DIE!"

Clay - "Look! You're actually growing up for once! I'm so terrified!"

He laughed. What did he mean growing up?...

I looked at my hands which had tiny flames sitting in the palms of them.

Clay - "Now if you don't mind. I need to go prepare my torture chamber for you and your little friend there. I will be back in a short while! Tootallo!!!"

With that he turned around and sprinted away faster than my brain could process.

Dave - "GEORGE!"

I looked over at Dave who held the cube in his hand. The cube was shaking rapidly and little sparks of electricity came from it. It looked like it was going to zap him at any moment.

He put it on the ground and backed away as more sparks came from it until there was a large amount of light coming from it causing me to look away.

As soon as the light died down, I looked at what used to be the cube in awe.

It was now a sword that had so many colors inside of the blade that continued to move around at will. 

Roses began growing around the weapon.

We sat there for a good minute before Dave spoke up.

Dave - "George... These roses... I think... I think they're from Mega..."

George - "R-really?!"

Dave - "I figured out a while back that all the colors inside of the cube is just another person's soul. Everybody who has died from Clay, is in that sword. Jake, Darryl, Harvey, Vincent... Everybody is there."

George - "What about Zak?"

As soon as I asked that question the colors on the sword disappeared as the blade turned to red.

George - "What about M-Mega?"

The swords blade turned green when I said that. It made me smile.

I walked closer to the sword, picking it up, still careful not to damage any of the roses around it. I just smiled and looked at the sword in awe. The sword was sharp and very smooth. The handle was black with small, thin, neon blue lines in all shapes and sizes, those neon blue lines were glowing. I then remembered what other powers I had... If we're going to fight Clay... I won't need the sword.

I sadly smiled and handed the sword to Dave.

Dave - "Th-thank you man."

George - "No problem. I already have a weird power, so you should use the sword since I already have something do defend myself."

I got filled with hope.

I WILL defeat Clay and bring him back to his normal self. I WILL not fear him, not only for Mega, but for all my other friends who have died by him. But most importantly, I WILL make sure this world goes back to its normal self with no evil that lurks inside of the shadows, so no more harm can be done to anybody on this planet.

Dave smiled and walked next to me and knelt down.

Dave - "So, here's the plan."

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