>Fire + Ice<

186 11 4

-George's POV-

->>_Friday, 10:34am_<<-

I leaned back against the side of the van.

If we don't get out of here soon, Clay could find us within an hour. I did run him over... But he probably isn't dead. I sighed, it was too late to go back now. As much as I wanted to just call the cops. If I did, who knows what they'd do to Clay? What if they make him stronger? What if they just kill him? I don't even know what to do at this point. 

I glanced over at Zak who was talking to Dave.

Zaks body still hasn't gone back to normal. That's also another thing. If we call the cops, they'd question us, and probably call the government then do some sort of experiment on Zak.

I glanced over to Jacob who was still laying on the ground.

Would they take the cube from Jacob and destroy it? What if it kills us? I don't know what to think any more. Even the cube is working again now. Jacob is too weak to use it.

I stood up and looked around.

Where's Mega?

I looked inside the van but didn't see him. I walked over to Zak and Dave. Maybe they knew.

George - "Do you guys know where Mega went?"

Zak & Dave - "No?"

I sighed and headed towards Jacob who was still laying on the ground.

George - "Did Mega tell you if he was going anywhere?"

Jacob - "No? Is he ok?"

George - "I don't know where he is."

Jacob - "What do you mean?"

George - "He's gone."

Jacob - "You weren't watching him?!"

George - "He's fifteen, I thought kids that age could handle themselves!"

Jacob - "On top of the fact that he is depressed and potentially suicidal!"

I watched as Jacob tried to stand but I wouldn't let him.

George - "You're still injured, you stay here, I'll go find him."

Jacob - "Yes I am!... Hold on... Whatever, let me find him!"

George - "No, You're staying here."

Jacob - "Great, now you are treating me like a four year old."

George - "Probably because you are."

Jacob - "I hate you sometimes. Just... Go find him ok? I really don't want to lose anybody else, it's happened too many times and-"

George - "I know. Just rest, I'll go find him."

Jacob - "Thanks."

I smiled at him before walking off. I wonder where Mega could've gone. Well, that question isn't that hard, there is a whole forest surrounding us, he could be anywhere! None of us even know how big this forest is!

I sighed and glanced into the forest in front of me. I guess I'll start looking here. I walked into the underbrush of the forest. It had quite a few prickly bushes so I had to get around them.

Once I got further into the forest it emptied out a bit so it was easier to walk through. I heard the sounds of leaves crunching as I walked on the decaying leaves. It was quite relaxing other then the fact I still had to think about Clay and everything. I yawned and continued looking. 

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