Video Call

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One day at MATA Academy,young agents are resting at the main hanger.

Ali:Offhh-!*fall hard on the ground*

Jet:Hahaha!!You fall just because a tiny little push?What kind of agent you are?*laugh*

Bulat:The IRIS agent they said.

Ali just stand up and dusting his red suit with red face.Ashamed of himself.
He want to go out but then Rudy tripped him when he past him.

Rudy:Cheh,are you blind or what? Pathetic.*crossed arms*

The young agents laughed at what Rudy did.Ali,with a really red face quickly stand up and go to his room.

He accidentally meet the mentors but he just brushed them off to go to his room.

E.Geetha: Dear,what's wrong with Ali?

E.Karya:*heard the young agents's laughter* I think I know the reason.

Once reached his room,Ali throw himself on his bed and hugged his pillow so that his cries won't be heard.

Ali:Isk...Isk...What did I do wrong?...*cries more**hug pillow*

Comot which slept on the floor quickly sit beside Ali.Ali patted Comot.

Ali:Comot?Did I do something bad?Why do they hate me?

Comot just nuzzled him.Ali sighed and wipe his tears.It would be a waste if you cried everyday.

Suddenly,his phone is ringing.He pick up the phone to see who's calling him.

BoBoiBoy Calling...

Ali furiously wiped his tears and create a smiling face so that BoBoiBoy wouldn't feel curious.With a big smiling face,he quickly answered BoBoiBoy.

Ali:Hye BoBoiBoy!

BoBoiBoy:Ali!!Long time no see!You fine?

Ali:Thank goodness I'm fine!Same goes to Comot.How are you doing at the galaxy?Still fighting bad alien?

BoBoiBoy:Hummm...I'm just fine over here.All the bad aliens rarely attack nowdays. Eh,why are you eyes red?

Ali started to panic.

Ali:Aaa...Err..T-This because...I-I played video games until midnight!Hahaha-!*awkward laugh**look at the side*

But Ali know BoBoiBoy knew he is lying.He is video calling with the holders of 7 Elemental Powers and the greatest in the galaxy!

BoBoiBoy:Ali,you and I know that you were lying.Tell me the truth.Why are you crying?

Ali sighed.He can't lie anthing to BoBoiBoy.

Ali:*sigh* They bullied me again.Calling me pathetic and whatsoever. That I'm just here because of IRIS.

BoBoiBoy,who is at the end of another line,have this tiny little feeling to shoot the young agents of MATA using his Solar Eclipse Beam for bullying Ali,his lovely little brother.

Back to Ali,he somewhat felt relief that BoBoiBoy was  far far away at the galaxy because he knew BoBoiBoy's 'Overprotective' ness is on another level.

BoBoiBoy:How dare they said that to you?!These little rascals are going to get it from me-!*eleftric shock on his fist*

Ali:*startled* Erk-?!Eait BoBoiBoy!I'm fine!I don't care with what they said to me.At least I have you dad,Viktor,Uncle and Alicia to support me!

BoBoiBoy's heart swelled with pride seeing Ali's face smiling brighter when he mention all that names.

BoBoiBoy:Hahaha! You're right! I'll always support you Ali!Oh no-!Admiral is calling!I'll call you back okay Ali?Be careful on your walk home.If anything happen just contact me immediately.

Ali:*smile* I'll BoBoiBoy.

BoBoiBoy:Bye Ali.

Ali:Bye BoBoiBoy.

(End Call)
With BoBoiBoy

BoBoiBoy looked at his power watch with an undescribable face reaction.
Admiral never called him.He just want to release his anger and he did not want Ali to see it.

BoBoiBoy:Young MATA agents nowdays  made me headache!None of the past agents were like that!

BoBoiBoy pulled out a  secret picture from his drawer.His picture who were nine at that time with his father who were wearing a Techno agent suit.

This is one of the secrets that BoBoiBoy never told anybody even Ali.He actually MATA's young agent once upon a time before he quit and moved to Pulau Rintis.

Many of the agents there claimed that he is the most talented young agent ever because in such a young age,he already mastered all the four MATA's cores.The first young agent who got to be named as Super Agent.

All of agents in MATA just know him by his codename,which is Agent Elemental.No specific data about him because it would messed his normal life.

But now he is a TAPOPS's cadet so it's easy to cover his identity.

When Ali told him that Ali himself now a MATA agent in Techno,BoBoiBoy couldn't help but feel proud at Ali.Ali's smiling face when he told BoBoiBoy that he hoped to get a lot of good friend just like Viktor.

But all of that just burned to dust.These new young agents are nothing like in the past.

BoBoiBoy:I hoped there's something I could do for Ali...

Gopal:Oi,BoBoiBoy!Snack tim!Better hurry before I finish yours!*shout from outside room*

BoBoiBoy:*startled* Erk?!Okay²!I'm coming!

BoBoiBoy quickly put the picture back in the drawer on go outside with Gopal.
With Ali

Ali walked home in wetness.The heavy rain poured down suddenly when he was walking home and he can't find any shelter.Thankfully Comot is dry in his backpack.

Ali:Aw man!A good day to forget to bring an umbrella!Good job Ali!

After running in the rain for quite some time,finally Ali arrived at his house.He opened the door and quickly go to his bathroom to shower.

He could catch a cold if he didn't.

After shower,Ali is drying his fluffy black hair using a towel while opening his phone.

His wallpaper has been changed from Detective Jebat to his selfie with BoBoiBoy.

Ali:Humm...It would be awesome to be BoBoiBoy.He has a lot of friends, everybody love him,a superhero...*sigh* Why I couldn't be just like him?

Ali looked back at the bruise on his legs caused by Rudy when he tripped him earlier.

Ali:I just want to have friends....Is it too much to ask?

Hello human potaoes it's me your alien potatoes!

For those who are wondering,someone once suggested me to make this story in English because there's some of them barely understand Malay.

So here you are! I hope you enjoy!
Sorry if there are mistakes anywhere. I'm Malay not English😂

Do vote and comment!~💕

Author Kim_Ezra

Agent Elemental(BoBoiBoy&Ejen Ali) [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now