•1• David

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Sadly I do not own Percy Jackson or any other of Uncle Rick's amazing characters.


Hi! The name is David Ronal and at the moment I'm stuck in English. Normally, I would be enjoying this subject but our teacher is so boring and looks more than a century old.

After a while of working on the new essay, the bell finally rings and I spring out of my seat and make a run for the door. My friends are already talking in the hallway by our lockers.
Our group consists of Ella, Tom, Annabeth and I. Tom and Ella are dating and they know I like Annabeth.

I can tell that she returns the feeling, everyone I've liked has. So that's why today, after school I'm gonna ask her out. Well really, that's my only shot after all, it is the last day of school.

Everything goes normally until lunch... that's when Annabeth gets her phone call. Her eyes light up when she sees who is calling.

"One minute, I just have to talk to my cousin." She says and she walks away.

She comes back a few minutes later, grinning from ear to ear.

"What happened?" Ella asks her.

"Oh nothing, my friends are coming to pick me up from school and we're going directly to camp!" She exclaims and squeals slightly, something she only does when she talks about that camp.

I'm really beginning to hate this camp she talks about. She goes every year so none of us get to see her in the summer. She won't tell us about it except for that its for kids with ADHD and Dyslexia, so none of us can go!
I snap out of my thoughts when I hear Annabrth talking.

"Do you guys want to meet them?"

• • •

It's been ten minutes since school has ended and Tom & Ella already left! They said that they weren't aloud to wait any longer. So it was me and Annabeth, alone. I decided it was time to ask her, then when her friends got here she could introduce me as her boyfriend!

"Annabeth?" I say.

"Yes David?" She turns to me and smiles.

"Uh, I was wondering if maybe you would want to catch a movie with me of something this summer?" I ask kind of nervously.

"Ya sure! Just as a friend thing right?" She asks me and I frown. I'm about to tell her exactly what I meant when a car pulls up and eight teenagers jump out.

Annabeth runs over to them and hugs each of them, taking an especially long time on the last guy. I narrow my eyes but wave it off, if she had a boyfriend she would have mentioned it. I mean, I already know everything about Annabeth and having a boyfriend was not one of those things.

I walk over and Annabeth introduces everyone, pointing at them as she talks.

"Alright this is Piper, Jason, Hazel, Frank, Leo, Calypso, Thalia and Percy!" She says and I smile confidently and wave.

"And guys, this is David!" She smiles and I smirk inwardly, she so likes me.

A few moments of silence pass.

"So you aren't dating right?" I ask Amnabeth and Percy but Piper speaks before they can.

"Gods no!" She giggles "They're engaged! The proposal was sooooo cute!"

Leo smirked and whispers something about Piper's true colours showing. Whatever that meant... Piper smacked him.

Oh that's good they're not dating! I think but then my mouth drops open as I register the rest of her words and my heart snaps in two. They're engaged!? How?!

Annabeth says goodbye to me briefly but I'm not paying attention. And by the time I snap back into reality, they're already long gone.

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