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"I'll be there at 11" Ella bid her farewell to the coworker she was newly introduced to, a high school boy who seemed to be too tall for his age. It had been about 3 weeks since she had started a part time job in a nearby grocery store. It wasn't hard but simple, and she liked simple, she wanted to have something simple for her to figure out what she want for herself, they say people are send in world for some kind of purpose, and that they need to find that purpose. she finds this ridiculous, why do we have to work so much to find the purpose, because once we are done finding it, we will be too drain to carry it out. Why can't it be just given to us already without wasting much time?

Accumulated in her own thoughts she didn't realize that she was finally in front of an apartment, she could never understand why was he even living here. Using a spare key from her handbag she opened the door, immediately closing her eyes to be prepared for the mess.

There was no ground to be found (literally),  she stepped over thrown shirts, pants and even shorts, it wasn't her first time, but it seem to have same impact on her every time. Walking inside she finally found him dozed off on the bed, after analyzing the room she came to conclusion that, it was the same as it had been 3 weeks ago. 

She nudged Allan's shoulder, poking his stomach over the quilt, and even brushing through the heels of his feet but the man remained nailed on his place. To talk about Allan, it was impossible to wake him up from his sleep, even if you blow trumpet right beneath his ears he won't be shaken, but there was something that he chose over sleep and that was food, though a delicious one, the one where the smell of food would be so tempting that he could feel it in his tongue.

Unfortunately Ella was incapable of that, whenever she would try to make something it would only turn into black piece of charcoal. It wasn't like that she didn't know how to cook, rather she didn't know when to stop cooking. Strange as it may seem, she was kinda of sick of it too. 

 A groan left Allan's mouth, the side of his lips curving up,wave of smell that aroused around the small apartment was difficult to ignore, his feet worked before his eyes could, he knew every corner of his apartment, and just like that he walked to the kitchen, where he was welcomed by a panicking voice.

"How am I going to turn this around!!" he tried to clear his vision from blurriness, when a hand pulled his arm waking him up.

"come on turn it around... it'll burn" voice more authoritative then soft, and he took the spatula from her hand with grimace.


Sitting on the sofa , two totally opposite expressions can be seen, Ella was busy taking pictures of the pancake she made for the first time ever in her life without burning,
while Allan was burning holes through her phone he wanted to toss it away and just eat in peace.

"Can you stop before I throw you out" he said before trying to snatch her phone away which she dodged away successfully,

"You look so annoyed for someone who slept for 15 hours" her tongue glided through her bottom lips as she saved the picture.

"You look so energetic for someone who slept for 5 hours" he mimicked her and she eyed him as though it was a red alarm.

"It's made from my ingredients so at least be polite." her spoon went over the plate when his hand stopped her from moving by grabbing side of her shoulder. 

"You're sitting in my apartment" her shoulder hunched in defeat, his eyes shifted towards her when there was no impact, and just as she saw him staring she quickly dodged the plate off of his hand.

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