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"Ella open up!" Allan knocked on her door, ruffling through his hair ,he was never good with words, that was one of the reasons why they never had any long fights.

From his perspective, Jeremy had his non-explainable grudges against her, he used to join him sometimes when it was about pulling pranks on Ella, but one day it got out of hands and Ella was close to slapping Jeremy on his face; however, Allan meddled between them. Since then, he knew they can't be in the same room. This was also one of the reason why he spent his last day spraying on his bike; despite being one of his close friend.

He didn't understand why was she making a big fuss about something so little. The door opened,

"You should just go to your apartment I'm tired" she waited for him to exit, but he didn't so she went inside her room without closing the door.

He paused in front of her door, he could do this the whole night, as if this would make up his mind. The words started to play games, although she didn't belong to a type of family who would money her way up, but she worked hard, really hard. She even practiced after classes to make herself better at swimming, most of her injuries were because she used to over-work herself, he was this close to let her open up, but well it failed and to say that he was the one to be blamed could be understandable.

After a minute or two, he decided to step inside, he observed how she was smeared inside a blanket when it wasn't even cold yet. 

''Are you okay" he nudged the side of her arms which was exposed, she covered it as well.

There was no answer so he sat down on the bed beside her. 

"No, I'm not okay'' it was like this with her, if she ever opens up she is honest. 

He lifted the sheets away from her, prompting her stance to shift abruptly.

"Why would you pick him up? are you his driver?" she muffled through her voice as he pulled her. 

"I'm not picking him up." his voice dropping till the end of sentence.

"You are not allowed to choose him over me even if he comes here." he nodded his head in an agreement, she finally peeked a glance at his face, his gaze was already glued on hers.

 He could see her eyes shining, as if they were waiting for something to pour out. 

"I'm here, all yours okay?" his voice came out measured and calm, as if it's not just an assurance but a fact.

He shifted his hands beside her arms pulling her closer to the side of his chest, and it wasn't even the first time, she would never admit this, but it felt kind of coaxing.

He shifted his hands beside her arms pulling her closer to the side of his chest, and it wasn't even the first time, she would never admit this, but it felt kind of coaxing

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"Are you not going to ask me about it?" her voice sounded Flemish, hands trailing through the fabric of his shirt as a sign of distraction. 

"Do you want me to?" he said before leaning his head on the board behind, it was rather strange he wanted to sleep but he didn't need it, he laughed at the thought that he could compromise it for Ella and as the question why crept in, her voice captured his attention. 

"Do you remember how I trained those 10 students for 2 years?" she asked him and he hummed along. 

"Well, they got the offer to get a place in Olympics " his eyes went up in surprised, how many things have happened in that one year when he wasn't there.

"But they couldn't join in because I wasn't a professional coach." he brushed the side of her arm, noticing the uncertainty.

"No-one had a problem with that except Jeremy! and because his father was administrator, so it all went down." she said once again pulling herself off of him, hand still placed on his chest as she looked down. 

"I guess I'm kind of unlucky for people around me!" she sounded as if a fog is going around and she had nowhere to go, she exhaled out trying to stop herself from saying more.

He asked her to look at him, and she did; she wasn't crying but there was heaviness on her face.

"From the moment I've met you till now, I have only been moving forward, because I knew that you're always cheering me up." he now placed his hand on her nape, aiming her face to move closer. 

"You're the kind of person who makes everyone feel lucky. Me being the luckiest."  the words came out of his mouth, and she could only stare at him,
even when he stopped speaking,
even when he felt closer than needed.

"  the words came out of his mouth, and she could only stare at him, even when he stopped speaking, even when he felt closer than needed

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He stared brazenly into her eyes, as if he knew the answer

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He stared brazenly into her eyes, as if he knew the answer. While, her gaze seemed to have lost in questions.

"Is there something wrong" he whispered, hands still on her nape, her eyes shifted aside looking down at her hand on his chest. 

"Why is your heart beating like this." her fist opened, maybe she blurted out her thoughts too loud, and what made her more anxious was that how she could feel beating of her own heart, ringing through her ears. 

"What do you think" he whispered once again, remaining paused on his positions, endearingly firm on his expression.

"Maybe you drank too much, you should go now" she removed her hand as if it was on fire, noticing how he exhaled out in what felt like woe, once she heard the main door closing,  her face dropped to the nearby pillow.

And that night she officially couldn't sleep, not because of how some terrible experience made her feel terrified, but because how a foreign feeling invaded in her space, and strangely enough she liked it.


//should I stop using gif? do they seem annoying?//

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