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There are some moments, when we want time to fly away as fast as it could, but it don't. And along the line we keep on procrastinating until something good eventually happens, and at that point, we want time to slow down.
But again.. it doesn't.

Just like how, a year passed by within a blink of eye.
Among the little processes reaching it's destination.

Such as Ella completing her graduation, vaguely remembering how, a loud cheer came from the corner of room when her name was called, and she could only hide her face.

Her moving in with Allan the next week, as the place she got an internship was nearer to his place which was of course an excuse she made but, Allan didn't seem to mind at all.

The two visited Ella's family under the tag of officially dating, and this may have received some perky gaze followed by rather an amusement.

"Were you two not already dating?" was what her mother managed to say prompting her to turn a shade of pink.

Allan visited Charles, as a patient and exited out as a friend.
It was his last day meeting him, the two sharing a lunch, as Allan insisted him for it.

Although he felt the progress within him, but still there was a part which was concerned about whether he should consider it reliable.

"It's just- I don't want this to end up being my baggage and-" Allan paused while looking outside the see-through window.

"I am hoping for something ahead with her, I don't want to -mess up... I need to be sure of everything." He managed to complete the sentence, face scrunching a bit as if he is trying to hide but failing.

Charles gazed him intently, before putting his fork down on the now empty plate.

"Do you love her?" He asked, and Allan seemed a bit taken aback. However, he shook his head in approval wetting his lips afterwards.

"Then there is nothing to be afraid of." the older leaned back.

"I cannot assure you of 100% because to be honest...things can mess up. We can't have a control over life, but having someone who can help you move on from the messed up part is surety itself ... so if you have it, I don't think you need any assurance from my side." He snickered lightly prompting Allan to smile along, his eyes flickering shyly before nodding along.

"So tell me .. why Ella?" Charles asked as he waited for the cab.

"She is one hell of a stiff bone, I mean she is a good kid but gives I do what I wanna vibes. " Charles faked a teen accent.

"Well, I have a big hand in turning her like that, so no complains." Allan laughed while a cab stopped across the road where the two separated there ways.

Surrounded by multiple dresses, Jennie was standing in front of a mirror turning left then right.

"Who are you calling?" She turned towards Ella, who hung up the third time.

"Allan.. I didn't tell him that I'll be with you, I dunno if he's still waiting there." She typed a message, staring at the screen of all unread messages. 

"He isn't even responding to my messages." she continued, now turning her gaze towards the latter.

"Take it easy, he might be- out with -someone." she replied unconsciously, keeping her gaze on her reflection.

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