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Birds were chirping alongside the large palm tree visible from the window, the atmosphere was kind of calm however inside it wasn't, Ella was wrapped around herself, head covered by her own arms as if she is trying to break it, she punched it once, twice and thrice, wincing at the pain which now got worse. 

She was inside her apartment not having any idea how she ended up here, there was no sign of Allan around, so maybe she came on her own and at least out of all possibilities she wanted this to be true since the flashbacks that came on and on seemed hard to believe upon.

The fountain,
cab ride,
Allan's face which seemed pretty close for the angle she saw.
"If only that shit wouldn't have interrupted"
Lastly, the bump on her head told a different story as well. 

The thing that remained clearer for her bleak vision was his face, up close, his mouth brushing into her and the regret.... of an almost. 

" Have you ever loved someone so much that you agreed to keep them as a friend" 

She brushed her hair clenching them with frustration. 

The last sip of soup was about to be gulped down, her eyes fidgeted towards the door, she was not waiting for him to check on her, rather she was just observing how good the door looks.

As soon as she heard the knock, her feet soared unto, flipping her hair behind, however to no avail it was just her friend Jennie, she was holding a shopper , the look on her face turned into amusement when the latter seemed to peek outside. 

"So- would you invite me in?" she initiated prompting Ella to move aside, she took the bag from her hand analyzing the things inside. 

"Allan handed me these, he asked me to make sure you eat them" her brows frowned even more while Jennie walked over to the kitchen counter standing on the other side facing Ella.

"You.met.him? I mean was he at home?" Ella fidgeted with her fingers anticipating for Jennies answer, she wasn't desperate that Allan didn't come but at the same time she was. 

Jennie stared straight into her for a second or two, prompting Ella to frown and move backwards asking if somethings wrong. 

"That look." she said pointing at her face.
"He had the same look." her lips pouted in confusion. 

"W-what -llook" Ella scrambled, making Jennie more suspicious. 

"And then he told me to not tell you about meeting him?" she talked to herself still moving near to Ella. 

"Did something happen between you two? did you two slept-"
"No no noooo" Ella said in a hurry, thinking later. 

She moved past Jennie taking a seat, her fingers clasping onto her eyes as she felt a striking pain on her head.

"We can try again" her face moved closer to him. 

Ella seemed to have paused for a second trying to unsee it,  cursing underneath her breathe.Jennie sat across from her. 

"Well it was supposed to happen at some time." her words aimed Ella to gawk her as if she could be killed. 

"What do you mean by that?" her voice lisped with itchiness. 

 "You both were never friends to begin with." Jennie stated as a fact, legs crossing onto one another. 

 "Haven't you noticed the way he looks at you, doesn't it make you feel some way." 

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