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There was a soft knock on the door, Ella squinted through her blurry view, trying to get up, but couldn't as her left arm felt heavy, she turned her head only to see the brunette clinging onto it using it as a pillow while his actual pillow was dropped into the ground, a grin smeared itself on Ella's mouth.

"Why must I see you both like this every time?" She heard a male coughing, if this was a history she wasn't quite sure of it, because this time she didn't push Allan away. 

After trying for a whole minute she was successful in pulling her arm out, she noticed how the brunette held into it when she was about to go, and in her honest mind she didn't want to leave either.. not so soon.

But it was her greed that urged her to walk to his room, stare at him, touch him, and then fall victim to her weaknesses, so she didn't want anyone else to take the blame. Especially when she knew that the brunette wouldn't want her to be here in the first place.

Ella stepped outside only to see Ted leaning along the wall, he was wearing formal clothes. 

"You live with him now?" she let out in confusion, Ted nodded prompting her to shake her head, fidgeting through her shirt, in order to ease the air as she didn't know what to say next.

Ted really didn't want to get swamped with everything, but he can't stop himself as well. He was the first to break the ice.

"Is there any reason for you to be here?" Ella turned her head towards him, her eyes showing confusion.
"I mean-" Ted hesitated.

"- did he force you to be here or something like that?" Ella immediately shook her head in denial noticing a sigh that escaped the other's mouth. 

Why would she be forced? Why would Allan out of all force her?  

"Nevermind!" Ted shrugged prompting her out of those musings.

"Why would you say that in first place then?" She waited for him to speak but there was no response, as the latter tried to avoid her gaze.

"How long are you going to stay?" he asked and Ella shifted her gaze towards the wall clock.

"I have a class at 1 so-" he didn't let her complete by interrupting in the middle, and Ella waited for him to speak again.

"I meant, how long are you going to stay with Allan?" this caught her off, as she herself became a bit puzzled.

The answer maybe depended on whether Allan wanted her to stay or not, because we cannot impose ourselves on someone's life just because we want to.

"If you're not ready to stay for long, then don't make him get used to you ..again." his eyes showed sincerity, the kind which is brutal and yet agreeable. For a moment Ella thought maybe she couldn't speak although she wanted to but maybe she didn't have the right words.

"Will you help me, if I say yes?" 


Phone on the ground, bed-sheet smeared, Allan opened his eyes , as he smelled the aroma, his eyes tried to peek through, rubbing his hand on to his face, he tried to get a hold of his phone but couldn't, he extended forward only to be met with a dead end.

The screen lit up showing 10:45 a.m, his mind fazed out, as now he was clearly seeing things, he stood up taking in the surrounding, the other side of bed was empty, something inside of him felt sulky all of a sudden.

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