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"Are you going to participate in the coming trails ?" the coach asked Ella who seemed surprised, she stopped for a second; although she knew what she want to say but still she gave it a second thought.

he stepped closer, sitting on the chair in front, he told her that she shouldn't have avoided all the opportunities given to her last year. Only if he knew.

He praised her on the performance earlier urging her to take a step forward.

"You just need a little practice and no-one can stop you from winning."The words kept knocking inside her head, she had decided to move on but why is it that whenever we decide to get over  something, one thing becomes a reason to stay.

After shifting the fifth set of equipment , she then moved towards the sixth one, it was one of her ways to avoid thinking by keeping herself busy to such a point that she gets overworked . As the frustration kept pulling over her, she subconsciously started to take everything serious, racing through the laps at her utmost speed, talking less , working more. 

It was her third lap with a different group this time, she was asked to take a timeout but she refused, I'm fine, but as someone said that saying you're fine also means that you're in pain. 

"Is she on some extra energy today?" Max asked Allan as soon as her entered the hall, he passed her a glance, noticing how she dived again, 
"I guess it's her 3rd or maybe 4th lap." the brunette was quick to respond,

He positioned himself beside Ella, and as the whistle blew , he jumped but didn't swim; instead he walked along the leaner. Coach called his name but before anything else could happen everyone found out why he did that.

Ella was pushed out of water, her feet and hands stiff, mouth soon to be a shade of blue. It had happened before; whenever she would overdo herself, this was how it ends. Allan continue to massage her wrist in the calmest way possible while coach was huffing, he was assured when Ella said she was fine but looking at her now it was opposite. Allan asked him to bring warm water and a piece of cloth, Coach told him to bring her inside but he said that soon she is going to have problem in breathing and the same happened as she stood up only to cough without pause removing her hand from his grip.

A car was in frontBuilding,
Allan's apartment,
"Just sleep for a while okay",

 that was all she was able to fill inside her conscious state before dozing off. 

Jeremy and Allan were now sitting in the living room.

"I am going to shift in my apartment tomorrow-'' said Jeremy, Allan heaved a sigh prompting him to stop. 

"You can stay for tonight...now can you continue what you were telling me earlier" Allan noticed how the latter sucked his breathe as if contemplating. 

"I don't know much about it-" his expression said different, Allan tried to remain posture, waiting for him to continue.

"Well, she was not someone professional you know so they couldn't approve her as the coach-" he stopped, but the brunette urged him to complete. On there way back he seemed to have somehow opened this chapter with Jeremy.

"So 5 of her students went under a different coach and 3 of them were even able to win a gold medal" 

Allan was confused because she didn't tell him anything about it, 

"Who was placed as the coach then?" he asked noticing how the latter was avoiding his gaze.
He repeated the question this time in a bit annoying tone.

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