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"H-henry?" Allan muffled out, his grip went loose on her hand prompting Ella to elbow him on the stomach and move aside.

Henry, supposedly Allan's least hated brother out of 3, actually the hate word didn't really exist between them, nor the word of brothers did, they were just too equipped with there own lives that they never get to be in the same place together, each one of them was in different parts of city.

"Would you like some tea?" Ella offered, the three of them were sitting on different corners of the living room, she could hardly breath since the air felt tense. It had always been like this with Allan he becomes really stiff when it comes to his family even just a mere discussion or anything else, maybe it was because the word family was never properly defined to him. 

"It has been a year, you should at least visit home." Henry initiated as he watched Ella leaving.

"Is there some dinner or any occasion" Allan jumped directly on the topic. 

"Just join father for tonight, all the others will be there too." he simply said and stood up to leave.

Conversation between them were usually this small, Allan walked him out,

"Have you told anyone about me living here?" Allan shifted on his stance awkwardly, Henry turned around giving him an assured glance.

"Is that girl the reason you don't want father to know?" Allan immediately shook his hand in strong disapproval, 

"she is just friend,--was here to have breakfast only." he said it emphasizing on the only part, the older male nodded before making his way down the stairs.

Despite it being only 5 pm, the whole apartment was dark, making the LED screen more prominent, the two of them were wrapped up in a blanket, 

"Give me another slice" the brunette asked as he placed his head comfortably on her lap, it was awkward at first, being this close, because the distance of that one year has proved to be a turning point in both of there lives, they were really childish back then, but even so as long as they are together maybe it shouldn't affect them. 

Ella picked the slice blindly as her eyes were glued on the intense scene of the movie, and when she tried passing it on, the slice fell right over his face, and he groan for nth time this day. The fact that Ella makes a total blank face after doing things like that is what drives him more insane. 

"Sell your eyes, at least someone will use them properly" he sat down using his shirt to wipe the left-over on face, 

"sell your hands, so someone can use it to take things by themselves." she fought back, both of them didn't realize that a movie, more like horror movie was still playing in the room. 

Ella dodged the pillow thrown at her but failed to dodge the other one and she slumped down due to the force, Allan was quick on his feet to pin her down, before he could muffle another pillow on her face, a loud scream erupted in the room, causing both of them to scream as well, attention now turned towards the movie and then back at each other, soon laughter filled the space to such point that Allan couldn't hold himself still and fell over her, it was like the past days, he missed this when she used to nag, play, hit, and laugh with him, while Ella realized just how long it had been for her to be genuinely happy like this.

His phone rang, and the way his mouth turned upside down didn't go unnotice by her, she didn't listen to anything else except for him nodding and saying yes. 

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