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The couch wasn't big enough considered by the way Ella was glued to the brunette, his arms holding on to her waist cautiously. 

Allan was awake, and he so badly didn't want to be the one who's awoke first, he thinks his life is becoming pretty strange recently, judging by how his sleep has been rough.

Last night was totally on another level of exception, after the moment Ella kissed him, Allan prepared himself mentally for sentences like 'this is a mistake' or 'I was drunk' but they didn't came; unexpectedly, she gave in, she didn't try to forge things up nor acted in ignorance. She said she would like to give this a try, because if it's mutual maybe they could get things to work out.

She was a bit contemplative, since it was about having it all or loosing at once.

"What if it didn't workout and we end up being straight up strangers?" was what she said, making him held on her palms.

"And what if it did work out? and we end up having something really beautiful." was what he said, she remained quiet, the frown from her forehead disappeared.

It didn't felt awkward neither strange, once she let her mind settle along the lines. Touching him, or being near to him just felt necessary, maybe they were never really friends to begin with, since she would always find peace within him, the kind of peace which makes all her thoughts fade away as if they were just bubbles, and Allan was the pin that would poke them away.

"Sooo...." he fidgeted, looking somewhere at her shoulder, he cleared his throat , coughing a little afterwards.

"Will you go out with me" he spoke peeking a glance at her, her gaze quickly dodged away biting on her lower lip.

"Speak, just say anything. Or I'll feel really stupid." Allan said after an unwanted pause, he really hates when people become quiet on the time they need to speak the most.

Ella pulled her hand away, taking a breathe in making him a bit anxious.

"It's just that,.... I.... Since the time you've been with me..." she didn't know how to say this, aware of how it could be offensive.

Allan sighed, urging her to say and Ella shrugged it once again, 

"Ask that question on the day of our finals... then I'll answer it," she stated.

And maybe he could wait a bit more, it could've troubled him but the way she kissed him after saying it made his doubts unclear.

Allan got out of his musings, noticing how the latter shifted under his grasp, he was quick to pull her so that she wouldn't fall down. And within that span of time, her face came directly in contact with his neck, what drove him more insane was how she nuzzled closer, maybe he was having a panic attack because his heartbeat was now on a marathon.

He tried to divert his attention on her hair, which seemed all tousled up. Smiling to himself, he twitched on to the side of her eyebrow earning a groan.

As it provided him a source of entertainment, he softly brushed on to the line of her eyebrow again, prompting her to whisper some incoherent words. She brought her hand up aimlessly trying to stop him, but ended up listening his chuckles even more..

Ella covered her face now finally stopping him, 

"Is that your way to wake someone up?" her sleepy voice added more to his fun, 

"well then, how do you want me to wake you up?" his grasp tightened when she tried to turn again, 

She started to rub her eyes removing the blurry vision, and as she felt his breathe fanning onto her mouth, her palm automatically covered his mouth.

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