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Ella, an 18 year old, and an exceptionally excellent student in every field. Whenever someone looks at her the one thought that would invade there mind was perfect , for she can be anything and ace it.However, unlike others, she didn't know what she want to be. Sometimes she feels like she is good at everything, and sometimes she feels so stupid, and even if the second part was rare it occupied most of her mind.


"It's not like I hate my dad, I mean who would hate a filthy rich man right?" Allan said with a cheeky smile, throwing his bag on his torso.

"But I just don't want to be a part of that family drama " he always replies with a same line, whenever Ella would ask anything related to his background, she nodded casually.

They were walking on the thin yellow lines, lined along the street, balancing out there body making themselves aligned.

"You know-" Ella blurted out, sometimes she couldn't keep her musings to herself/

"I love to teach, I think I was the happiest last year, my students really made me happy" she looked down, and her tone made it look as if she isn't sure if she wants to say it. 

"But now I think.. that I think alot and maybe useless, which doesn't have a reality check with them" she left a heavy sigh, without looking at him, her body stopped , Allan stopped as well, he fidgeted to look at an ease when Ella spoke again.

"Don't give me that look of pity, as if you know anything" she shrugged before turning around, he smiled a bit "I'd never pity you, and I want to know everything" he advanced his hand to hold her but she folded her arms so he clenched his fist back.

"I hate teaching now, and I think I'm starting to dislike swimming, but when I think of my life without it, it feels so ....empty. " A strange heaviness descended onto her which he was unfamiliar of.

They reached the building; 

"Is there something that you're not telling me" her face became trivialize, she yawned which he knew was fake.


It was 11 in the night, and instead of being in his bed Allan found himself standing in front of her door, with a high spirit he aimed for the knob, but it opened up, as he saw her with a coat, maybe she was going out, she asked him what is he doing here and he showed her the drinks in his hand. 

"Wow you room feels bigger than mine I should ask the owner about it" he made his way to her room, while she placed the glasses on table. 

"Yours will look like this too, if you try to do some cleaning? perhaps."  Allan was examining it as if he is in some other dimension.He went to the kitchen to see if she needs some help, leaning his head on one of the cupboard, he observed her. 

"Are you going to tell me now?" he said and she paused for a second which he did notice before she pretended like it was nothing.

"Why are you hiding things from me? I'm starting to get worried now." he said again trying to make it look softly, but the tone appeared frustrated. 

"Then don't be worried about me" she stepped out of the kitchen followed by the latter.

He dragged the chair, and the screeching sound was prominent enough to explain that the room was dead silent. Bringing drinks along was honestly an excuse, judging by the fact that he didn't even touch the glass. His gaze kept on boring at her who by far was uncomfortably chugging down.

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