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"....7 p.m sharp -Jennie."

Ella scrolled the screen for nth time reading the message again, swimming wasn't a part which she wants to remind herself of. There was a high possibility for some people to be there that she didn't want to see, but even so there were some people that she missed like hell. 

Her contact was not really stable with Jennie after moving here, and analyzing how she got the email from Jennie, Ash, and Vic at the same time was convincing her a bit. 

In contrast,  there was this other thing.She thought about her conversation with Allan, and she couldn't get his image out of his mind, the way he said that she would never have to meet her again as if something was eating him up alive. 

And then the other night came into her vision, when she put the blame out on him like all the other times she used to do, but this time it wasn't just about a useless prank or a joke. She felt guilty when she arrived at home, she cried again, the flashbacks poured all over herself, and once she started to go through it all she realized the possibility of how she couldn't be the only one suffering, and the thoughts of him going through the same drove her off to edge. 

Because truth be told damage never comes from one side only.

So she decided to take it off on an end, a closure.
A simple closure from both side could maybe make it bearable for them if they would ever cross paths again. 

And maybe just maybe it could turn the guilt a bit low, or just make it hurt less when she thinks about past. 

Ella's phone was dodged from her hand. 

"Why do you sleep with your eyes open" Ted, his brother, placed himself on the couch, he was back from Seoul on the vacation after first semester, both of them were planning on visit there parents in Houston this Sunday. 

After reading the message on screen, Ted's eyes lit up.

"Are you guys having reunion?" He spoke a bit louder getting excited.
"Will Allan be there?" he asked again.

He didn't know the whole history but just the fact that they haven't talked for so long. 

"Probably" Ella took her phone back.
"We can go on your scooter, the location is a bit far, but it'll work" he said while shrugging his shorts. 

"We? my scooter? you ain't coming nor am I letting you ride the scooter." She stated clearly before making her way to the kitchen. 

"Come on I haven't met Allan for about 4 or 5 years maybe? and someone has to ride that scooter cuz you haven't since the day.. let me guess ..YOU BOUGHT IT" his hand gripped the bottle on her hand urging her and she got convinced at last. 

"Just don't get jealous when Allan says he missed me more than you" Ted joked before moving out, Ella shrugged a bit.
'I wonder if he missed me at all'


Wrapping the frown muffler around her neck Ella rubbed her shoulder, 

"Out of all these days, this has to be the coldest." Ryan walked out, jumping with his steps as the cold started to get him.

"It's freezin-  " he paused on his steps, Ella was wearing a white high neck paired with a black jeans, a khaki long coat was covering till her knees. 

"Yes I know, " she bragged while flipping her hair behind. 

"It's winter not summer, are you sure you're not gonna die because of this thin shirt and useless coat?" he let out before moving inside to get the scooter out. 

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