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"So please don't ask me to make a fool of myself- because I think I would do it all over again" she let out the last words at this point her existence felt weightless and anonymous. 

"El-Ella why are you-" Mina arrived behind them taking Ella's shoulder in her hold. She didn't miss to give a quizzical look to person standing beside her. 

"Nothing, has it begun" Ella asked the female wiping away the dried tears.

Allan heard her saying out loud, her nose red as she tried to breathe in forcefully, she urged Mina to walk towards the stadium first, assuring that she is fine. Her feet dragging its way nearer to the brunette. He clenched his fist until his finger nails dug painfully under his palms watching her walk past him.
And once again he couldn't be there for her.


"You need to promise me that you'll listen once I get there." Allan spoke waiting for the latter to reply, a frail hum came in contact with his ear, and he felt relieved.

Before he could've said anything more, the phone was grasped away from his hold, 
"I've told you to stay off for a while, it's your 5th call in past 2 hours." a male who seemed to be in his mid 30s passed him an  offended glance. And now Allan was finally back into reality.

"I'll be leaving in an hour, coach told me to have a practice session, so I have to be there a day before." Allan muffled out an excuse trying to make it as a fact and the latter was quick to frown.

"You are exempted from the games." the frown now made it's way to Allan's forehead.

"No I'm not. He-" The older male interrupted him.

"You have to stay low for a while, so Jeremy will participate instead of you." The brunette nodded, not wanting to set fire.

"Okay, I- he can, just let me go there. I promise I'll stay low." he could swear that he haven't been that polite to anyone.

"It's not in my hands. " the older said, turning away, and the brunette was quick to hold his arm.

"Let me make another call." 


Boarding on to the flight, everything that Allan was wishing was for the plane to board as soon as possible, he wasn't afraid of taking the responsibility of words he said earlier, neither he took the ambiance of outcomes.

"You may leave now, but for the rest of year, things will be in my hand... fully. And this requires you leaving swimming... completely."

Somehow these words became like a pill which was hardest to swallow.


"Keep the change." he ran towards the apartment, only to get stopped by a hand before.

"You are back so soon? I thought Ella was joining you along." it was one of there neighbor, and listening to these words made his stomach churn strangely, he urged him to speak more, and the latter told him about how she left about 3 hours before.

He was quick to run upstairs, skipping two and sometimes three steps off.

He paused on the suspected door, calming his breathe, despite seeing the lock that was already on the front, he knocked, his voice coming out steady,

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