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It's strange how we realize the importance of a moment in our life just when it's about to disappear.

Despite the comedy film being played on the TV with full volume, the living room looked quiet non-chaotic.

Allan was seen sitting by the table his hands clasped under his chin as he continued to examine the envelop in front. He has never been good with decision, and he hated how he needs to be decisive at every turning point of his life, sometimes we just want things to go as they want because we had been just so done with choosing wrong every time. 

The bell rang getting him out of his trance, he exhaled out a long breathe before getting the door.

There was a bright smile on Ella's face which soon fell down. The latter, quickly smeared a grin over his mouth, but it was quite hard not to get caught by her especially when it comes to pretending. 

Since past few days, maybe the most used sentence by Ella was Are you okay? because she would rarely experience his boxy grin or excited eyes. Even if he would pass her a smile, it just seemed quite empty. 

"Take me for a ride." was what she said, making him a bit surprised, he asked her if she don't have a job or practice to do, and she shook her head in a firm no.

"I'll tell you the place, just do whatever I say." he nodded his head slightly, getting the keys. This was also one thing which seemed odd. Recently, Allan wouldn't say no to anything she says.

Just yesterday, she saw someone drop by his apartment who kind of felt like someone from his household, Ella knew how this topic was probably an irking one for Allan, maybe that's why she didn't know any details about his family, and even if she would try to urge him, it would only end up in silence.

So, she choose to not push him this time. Instead, she could maybe divert his mind away.


"Yeah stop right there." Ella said prompting the brunette to pull the breaks.

The place looked Isolated, and quite dark honestly, there was a building which seemed shabby from it's look but still there were few lights shading off from the tiny slits.

"Are you planning to kill me or something?" Allan clasped his jacket on his chest, leaving a dry chuckle, he shifted his gaze onto the female who appeared fidgety telling him to follow her.

They entered inside the building, ruffling on and on through the stairs. After the 5th floor, Allan huffed out, 

"Are you practicing your stamina and pissing me off simultaneously." Ella sighed internally, it was better to get him annoyed then dry, and somehow she smiled at that.

"Remember when you took me out that day, you said that whenever it gets a bit difficult you would just roam around looking through city lights. So," she opened the door in front.

"I worked really hard to find this place, so you better give me a good reaction." she asked him to enter inside, and he did hesitantly. 

And yes, the expression he gave made Ella's grin even more bright, he could see the whole city from up here, faint lights dazzling along colored canvases, and the dark sky just added more to it. With every gush of wind, he felt himself getting lighter, as if all the burdens were flying off somewhere. Soon his back met warmth, arms circling around him, he tilted his head back, only to catch her staring at him, and she didn't look away this time.

"Do you like it?'' she asked, her cheeks glowing up with red bushes.

"I love it." he replied, hands holding onto hers, he picked her wrist up kissing at the back of her hand. And now it hurt him to do the same thing to her again, why is it that we end up hurting the only people we love.

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