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Abandonment: a state or feeling of being discarded or undesired.

An emotion, which only exceeds after losing something,
And in the end of it, comes resentment,
forcing a person to believe that they might not even deserve anything.
Thereby, making you loose... everything.


The white door was closed, and maybe Ella didn't realize for how long she just kept on staring at it.

"I really didn't want to make things hard for him." was what Ted said after exiting out.

"But if he would chose to ignore this, things might get even harder." he sighed, Ella opened her mouth to say something but paused.

"I know you might be curious about many things, so go ahead." he urged her.

"So, you and Henry aren't his legitimate brothers?" Ted turned his face to look down before nodding in approval.

"And... this.... I mean noone is aware of it except you all?" her gaze went towards him noticing how he pursed his lips before conforming.

"...there were some news outlet who had been... trying to make this public, so before they could dig in more, Allan was transferred to somewhere new." Ella now clasped onto the reason of why he had to go within a day notice.

"Honestly, we are still confused on why father wants to indulge him in like that... I mean, from the signs of it we know that both of them cannot accept each other as a.... family."

Maybe Ella shouldn't have said anything, since she might not know even half of what exactly is happening.

But if she would be in Allan's place, she would still chose to believe herself. Because something is better than nothing.

She looked down interlocking her fingers with each other, and then leaning a bit to place the side of her ear on the door, trying to hear if anything possible. Meanwhile, the door opened up, taking her by surprise, she took a step behind, further looking at the brunette, who just flicker past her.

He turned once again, moving towards the dressing table. 

Dressed up in white shirt and grey suite pant, he seemed somehow ready for the event, it wasn't like he could chose anything else, rather, Ella somehow ends up accurate about the things before they happen. So he just decided to go with it, even if it meant unwillingly. 

Allan's gaze shifted on to his reflection on the mirror, pausing at another image standing behind. After heaving a sigh, he removed his hand from the tie around his collar, posture tilted to face the latter. 

Ella pursed her lips, taking a step closer after taking his tie under her grip. She tugged it a bit prompting the male to lean towards her. 

"What's wrong?" she asked without looking at him, eyes focused on tying process. 

"You never take my side." he said in a heavy voice, going tight lipped, he knew he may sound childish, but he can't help but feel that way.

"You know what?" Ella asked tightening the knot. 

"Somewhere inside, you wanted someone to say that." she now looked at him. 

"so that.. you'd just have a reason to do it anyways." 

Allan found himself going dumb, as if he didn't have a mouth, and Ella might have laughed if not for situation. 

"Haven't you thought about... if he wanted to abandon you, why didn't he? ... even after so many years." she asked,

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