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The next day, Ella as usually came earlier than Allan, not because it was always a fact, but also because she felt some strange things which she wanted to ignore but can't, and since this was the case, she ought to have another distraction.

After changing into her costume she was ready for a dive only to get stopped as the instructor whistled, gaining everyone's attention. 

"We have a new student, I'd appreciate if y'all treat him nicely'' the man signaled his finger towards the door and Ella was not surprised at all. 

"Hey, I'm Jeremy Stimson" his hands waved emphasizing the Rolex watch on his hand, dressed in a simple white shirt he flaunted his blonde her back as if this was some kind of fashion show.

As soon as the introduction session ended, Ella went in for a dive, she heard her name being called but in that moment it wasn't important, she swum faster towards the other end, this might be her best timing since the day she arrived here, her head went out to gasp for air , and the sight she had in front of her regretted it. 

"Hi ''
hands extending towards her aiming to get her out of the pool his tee hanging loose exposing the sight to his chest, she however placed her hands on the marble floor and pushed herself out.

"Are you going to be my guide for this new place? you know I want to be informed about rules and stuff" he said respectfully, she didn't know if she wanted to reply or punch him back, she wanted to chose the latter but well couldn't. It was kind of weary for her, he would always act as if he didn't owe her something, when he actually do....A BIG TIME.

"Allan will be here in few minutes he can tell you about stuff" speak of the devil, Allan entered in his causal wear throwing the shirt off of his head he directly went to the pool area but paused when Jeremy called his name.They both shared a hug, at first only being with Jeremy was uncomfortable but after reminiscing the last night Ella could only pass an awkward smile to the brunette, he was about to say something but she strolled past him before them, a crease formed on his forehead.

They both shared a hug, at first only being with Jeremy was uncomfortable but after reminiscing the last night Ella could only pass an awkward smile to the brunette, he was about to say something but she strolled past him before them, a crease for...

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A score board was hanging  on the walls, Jeremy analysed it as Allan was busy ruffling through extra swim suits.

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