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Allan stepped inside his apartment followed by Ted.

One thing that might have had a good affect was the relationship between them.

He tried to keep his mind compose but Ella's face continued to stream in front of him. It was becoming difficult for him too, the way she was looking at him was overwhelming, and that was the exact emotion that he wasn't suppose to feel at the same time, but then again the way she just turned away, without sparing a single glance behind made him go all the way back.

"You knew it." Ted said in a surprise tone making his way towards the sofa, strangely enough he didn't speak of Allan being ir-responsible to create all the drama earlier.

Allan got out of his musing, now paying attention to the latter,
"Didn't you?" Ted said urging Allan to fall on the couch, asking what.

"All those speeches? you knew that Ella used to write them?" Allan opened his eyes, not liking her name being mentioned.

"The poetry that you played on the meeting was written by her when I was in 10th grade." he heaved a sigh further telling Ted about the other passages that used to be on recitals.

"So, you invited her on purpose?" this wavered the brunette, since he himself didn't know what he was intending to do.

"You invited her? then you confronted her on the stage? an then you met her and the second thing was her freaking out and leaving without having dinner?" Allan gave no expression, but now that he heard it from a third person point of view, what did he really want to achieve from it?

"And you know that she is going to be there tomorrow as well?" was what Ted said, sitting beside him.

"So what? it's none of my business." said Allan, irritatingly.

"Why did you mind creating this mess in the first place?" the brunette snickered causing Ted to pause before continue anyways. 

"I mean you even tried to make her notice you presence, and now you're saying it's none of your business?" Ted noticed how the latter waved him off, diverting his attention on the phone screen.

Honestly, Allan did know what he did, but he didn't know what to do ahead. was he happy to see her, or was he trying to make her realize that he wasn't happy? and even if he was to chose the latter what could he expect from the latter, to apologize or maybe a closure-.

As said before, a moment could be an absolute rise, or disgraced fall, and even if it wasn't disgrace, Ella just couldn't absorb things well. It had been hard for her to re-adjust with everything and to move ahead. But the recent activities took her way back, and in her honest terms she didn't want to fall back just when she was ready to get up.

Since, there were some promotional events, she was also selected as a candidate, and even if she didn't want to face him, she knew it would be inevitable anyways. So, in spite of that she now focused on just looking ahead, and even if it meant to bury things alive, she won't hesitate.

She re-adjusted the croaked glasses on her nose, re-reading the teams, her name below, Allan's, some females named Mina and a male named Jace. she heaved a sigh.

And as if it was an almost telepathy, the three entered simultaneously. She put on her professional smile (never practiced before tho), distributing the works among themselves, and thankful to the air there wasn't much conflict. 

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