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"At some point in our life, we think that 'this was our limit' , we cannot do anything more ahead of it. But then one day something happens all of a sudden to change your mind, it could be the tiniest thing possible, for example a quotation that you might read somewhere, or an advice that you might've sneaked in. However, all these are still external factors, because the most important thing is that, your heart finally decides to believe again, to give things another chance, to let yourself be free from the things that kept on binding you for long. And the moment you decide to stand again, it could abruptly make you rise or make you fall.... there is nothing in between of that."

A round of applause emerged in the hall, as the author for the publishing directory finished her alibis. Ella was sitting at the far corner of room, and even if she was a bit confident earlier, after seeing a crowd this big ,her stomach started to churn unfavorably.

It's funny how we can find the smallest hint of negativity and force ourselves to focus on that resulting in the urge to give up before trying.

Danielle who was sitting beside her shrugged her shoulder, after seeing the way her face turned into a nearly deceased one. In spite of hearing words like you can do this, she felt all the anxiety creeping up again. 

There is this thing about experiencing a turning point in your life, either you become too conserved or too careless. And by the signs of it Ella turned out to be the first one. As much as she liked being the center in past. In present even the thought of it makes her want to throw up.

"Please Welcome Ella Stefan with your appreciations." Her eyes twisted, as she swallowed hardly standing up on her feet, she shifted her gaze to the host who looked like a female in her early thirties, and after clasping her eyes shut she finally climbed up the stairs. 

Loud cheers from the hall, only managed to give her adrenaline another pump, and she could hardly look up, before she could stand against the mic, the host started to speak.

"It would be surprising to know, but the previous speeches that we have got from the Halsong excellence have been prepared by the person standing in front, and now finally we have had an honor to witness her writing and intellect publicly like this. Thank-you for joining us tonight." the female said prompting Ella to nod along, smile long lost from her face, only if people could know that she was forced into this. 

And what bug her most was how the people were told that she used to write the intellects before, it would only end up in people expecting more, and with the state she was in, her mind seemed to have paused for a while

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And what bug her most was how the people were told that she used to write the intellects before, it would only end up in people expecting more, and with the state she was in, her mind seemed to have paused for a while.

"Ella?" the voice shook her out of thoughts.

She cleared her throat, although there was a good layout in her mind for the book, since it was her current favorite but still, her tongue refused to tag along.

She cleared her throat once again, suddenly feeling thirsty.

"We must always welcome the end of all things, for sometimes knowing that nothing lasts forever keeps us moving."  She initiated by proclaiming a part from Black Butterfly by R.M drake.

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