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The voice of something dropping woke Ella up, she aimed for her phone to analyze that it was 10 a.m in the morning, her body shifted to analyze the side of her bed empty.

After all the things that happened in one night, it was really difficult for her to be okay with it, but she didn't have a choice. If he had to go away for a long time, she needs to be okay with it, because in either ways this maybe her last time meeting him.

Ella walked outside, looking at the mess spread along the corridor while the brunette was busy finding something above the cupboard standing over two boxes lined upon one another, she shook her head before moving towards him as he was almost on the edge of falling, her hand made it's way to his back to support him and the latter almost turned in surprise.

"Am I supposed to be the hero here." Ella said with a playful tone, noticing how the brunette chased his gaze away. 

Even when she tried to tell him that she is fine, he kept on apologizing to her not even trying to match her gaze, and when she forced him to look at her, his eyes seemed glossy which he was quick to fidget away by looking upwards, and that's when it hit her the most. Maybe she didn't realize the fact that if it's all going against his will than he would the one to get affected the most.

"Are you packing already?" she tried to initiate again, as the brunette continued his search.

"Ye-ah, I just couldn't find that black bag, it had always been efficient with travelling" he now dusted off his hands giving up on his search.

"Have you tried looking inside the suitcase" she kicked on the blue suit-case in front of her, opening it up to find the sight of suspected bag, she gave him a look of self-praise, Allan took the suspect out.

"Should've asked me before all this mess." she tossed the boxes which were lying flat on the floor. 

"I didn't wanna wake you up" eyes trailing away, it's not like he didn't want to, but he just felt that it would be better to do this whole work without her being involved because it might only end up upsetting her. 

"But well you woke me up eventually." she followed him towards the kitchen, noticing how he started cooking on his own without asking or mocking her, maybe just to distract the tense situation between them, he told her last night that he would be leaving by 2pm approximately,

"But I promise I'll be there for your competition." was what he said.

However, what he did not answer was 'why did he have to go' and it's not like he didn't replied her, it's just that he dodges the question so skillfully that she would forget even asking him.

"So- why are you leaving?" she asked him as he whipped the mixing for omelette.

The stopping of his hand for a second didn't go unnoticed by her. 

he poured the mixing on pan, asking her to move out as oil was spluttering out a bit. And that's how once again the conversation remained unsatisfied.

It's not like she have got time to be mad at him, they hardly had 3 to 4 hours left together so she tried to let go of these musings. 

The two of them them busied themselves with the packing, which was more like Ella packing up because if Allan found out some of his old stuff he would just sat around lost in thoughts. Sometimes he would laugh at his own wardrobe thinking why did he buy this shirt and when Ella would try to grasp it away from him, he rather pulls her along, stealing short kisses, or just twirling her around, and then catching her when she gets dizzy.

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