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Stepping onto the accelerator , Allan pushed all the limits. Just like how in movies the lead steps on the gear and meets an accident, he wanted to do the same for himself, so that he won't be able to have a clasp of emotion playing inside his head.So that for once his mind would shut up.

He started to feel his sight getting weak, things getting blurry as seconds passes, and within that split subsequent his phone rang and the name that it displayed made his vision shift. 

He hit the steering, shutting his eyes close, as if he is trying to unsee things. His hand manage to move the steering on wrong side. A truck coming along his way, the beeps, sharp headlights all invading his mind. A smug formed on his face.

He wished to crash somewhere more than ever, Just when he was close to having what he wanted, the steering turned to the right, dodging right on time. The car stopped, flabbergasted, he gave a look to his hand as if they didn't belong to him, because right now he didn't intend to do that turn, he didn't intend to -.

As if his hand had a mind of it's own, as if they knew that he need to remain controlled.

The shrill voice kept on coming and going as he continued his drive back, not aware of where he was leading to. And whenever that sound would pierce through his audibility, the phone would ring again displaying the name he wanted to see the most and the least. 

The car stopped abruptly, outside the familiar gate, punching in the pass-code he stepped inside, clenching the hymn of his head, unbuttoning his shirt, as if he might just choke. He heard his name being called, and the familiarness was enough to drive him apart. 

The brunette kept his back turned.

"Why were you not picking up your calls." Ella asked in a firm yet fidgety voice, her face seemed sweaty as if she had ran a long way, lips quivering. 

"If someone ignores your call this means they don't want to see you" He said plainly, rubbing his hand over his head then and now. 

I made a fool of myself again was the only line that kept on ringing in his head now, and the fact, that she could witness him in this state made him wonder, if she would leave for real, or that she might run away because it would terrify her. Undoubtedly, these sudden realization made him cover up, made him shield up, made him distant.

When they said overthinking can destroy a person, they were right.

"Ignore? do you know how much worried was I-" her voice clasped out high pitched.
"Just leave for now!" he said in a growl, silencing her to shrewd. After a second or two she asked him to turn and when he didn't Ella took frail steps confiding her to stand near him, her hand shivered a bit before gripping his shoulder so she could face him, and just when he turned, a shaky gasp invaded her mouth.

She glanced at the side of his face, a prominent bruise on his nose and cheek, side of mouth bleeding as if it was ripped apart. her face twitched for a whole fraction and Allan was fast to notice it.

 her face twitched for a whole fraction and Allan was fast to notice it

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