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The constant sound of phone ringing, and alarm beeping since like half an hour finally woke Allan up, his sleep wasn't as strong as in past, but he thought he slept really well, he turned the alarm off, the phone already declined itself few second before. 

The brunette tilted his head expecting to find the female beside him but to his dismay she wasn't. 

If a person isn't sleepy they can just lay on a bed, that's the least form of manner. he thought.

After cleaning himself up, he made his way out. His mouth twitched a bit thinking about Ted being outside, but maybe he got lucky that Ella was standing alone. 

She looked kinda cheery signalling by how her feet weren't still, as she did her own little dance while making pancakes. Allan grinned, strolling towards her, he took one of her earphone out, schooching closer as he cupped her waist. 

"You're still here" he sounded calm, kissing her neck once or maybe twice, and only thing Ella could think off was how she didn't want to burn the pancake.

"Do I always have to witness this." A yawning Ted made his way towards the kitchen placing himself on the chair, Allan's face turned into disgust, it wasn't like he hated Ted but he just jumps in at worst time possible, Ella walked aside to take the mixing, thankful how the pancake was saved.

Ted squinted his eyes when Allan moved away walking towards him, Ella was wearing Allan's shirt, well because she can. 

Ted turned towards Allan who already noticed him opening his mouth,
"No we didn't." 

He wasn't too loud, but considering how Ella was just few steps from him, there was no way she didn't hear that. 

"And I won't do it.. with you sleeping just a door from my room." Ted felt a bit offended, suggesting he would give them privacy, and there Ella couldn't take anymore so she yelled a bit calling Allan and then asking him to whip the mixing quietly. 

"Make a barrier between your mouth and your thoughts." she let out before walking away.


A white Mercedes stopped outside a shimmery building, the windows closed itself partly revealing the face of male who seemed in his early 40s, before he could aim for the door, it opened up, the brunette standing on the other side, greeting the male respectfully. 

Allan took the man to elevator, answering with a polite yes to his brief questions.

After entering in the conference room as just the two of them, Allan turned the lights off making the projector visible enough.

"I'm almost finish with the financial structure so I'd brief-." he paused when the older raised his hand urging him to stop.

"I didn't came here to discuss about the project, I trust you enough, I know you'll present a masterpiece itself." Allan shook his head, noticing how the older asked him to sit beside.

"You've been missing out on our events lately." he wanted this to be a question but it came out as stament prompting Allan to look down.

"I had been busy." he replied.
"Then what about tomorrow?" older asked and Allan replied with the same sentence.

"Okay then, the time that you were supposed to give me tonight is saved, you can use it for evening, your father and my family are having a small feist to celebrate Jeremy's arrival, you should join us." Allan knew where this conversation was about to get diverted on, it was one of reason why he prevented on doing family meetups or attend home parties. 

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