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It was 10 in the morning, too soon for Allan to even wake up; if only he could cut some sleep for himself.

Lying on the ground, boxing gloves on, punching bag swaying in the air.
A layer of sweat was dribbling down his forehead as he tried to shut his eyes close only to open them again. They say in order to get your mind pause, workout until you drop dead. But even this didn't seem to have any work on his thoughtless musings.

He kicked the bag in front, but it didn't swung back as someone held onto it.

 "Did you wake me up so early just to do this?" Zac yawned as he gave brunet a hand to pick him up. 

"I'm just tired, that's all" Allan whispered taking off his gloves. 

"That Ella again?" Zac made an annoyed face but the guy in front of him looked more annoyed.

"I kind of confessed." he ruffled his hair wiping off the sweat in process, Zac kept his eyes on him urging him to continue, the annoyed expression was long gone.

"And..." Zac said causing Allan to look away.

".....and tried to kiss her" Zac molded his lips in a smolder.

"Weren't you two just friends about few weeks before" Zac said in a cheeky tone, prompting the brunette to walk away, he chuckled a bit patting his back following him out.

"Weren't you two just friends about few weeks before" Zac said in a cheeky tone, prompting the brunette to walk away, he chuckled a bit patting his back following him out

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Zac knew him since about a year now, and he was quite a smart guy until it comes to that friend of his. Ella.
Zac had given him advises at many point which seemed to make Allan a bit more frustrated, 'You're bad with advises' is what he says. But then again, he would ring him up if there is another break on.

"She is never going to talk to me again.... she has this kind of allergy with-this thing" he ranted along, not knowing what exactly to say.

"I just wanted to clear things up" he said further causing Zac to frown.

"So you kissed her to clear things up?" he placed the can on his hand over the table.

" I didn't kiss her first of all-"
"But you tried to?" Zac spoke immediately.

Allan heaved a sigh, 
"I'm already feeling bad ..... don't make me hate myself more." he heard the latter chuckling a bit, confused he turned his gaze on him.

"Give her some time, there is no way she is gonna ignore you for long." Zac said as a matter of fact, the brunette fringed even more.

Zac glimpsed at him, breathing out in exhausted way, .

 "See you couldn't run away from your feelings because you can not have a control over them, and the more you'll try to push it over, the more it'll bring you on the edge" 

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