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3 years later.

~ If only there were wishes that could've been pursued.

 If only there were times we could've undo.

~ If only we could have our grip on moments in case.

If only we could run away from the things we don't want to face.

~ If only all the dreams could've come true.

 If only our love could've been blue.

~Grazing through the land of unknowns,

We tried hard to forget all the knowns.

~But the shadows, they follow,

Among the light that we can't borrow.

~I wish the impossibles could've been possible,

I wish that I could've wished more.

"This piece is taken from our previous exhibition, where a student from Halsong University provided with a summarized yet appealing description of the books our company published, and after this the number of copies exceeded simultaneously."

The screens turned off once the voice faded away, A male paced towards the front. Suited in a three piece, the dark room lighted up, now displaying a conference room.

"New exhibition can be launched upon this idea, since the publishers have provided us with an imaginative theme this time." was what the male said.

The center chair squirted along, as a brunette haired leaned forward pausing the the male's word.

"Since it's that important, might as well call unto the female who voiced this along." all the eyes now turned on to him.

"Think of how, collaboration makes things much more in demand, so partnering with this department can basically provide us with more interaction and sales with better paramount." the male stated clearly, prompting the others to nod along. 

However, the one standing in front, didn't quiet catch up along, after the meeting ended, he waited for the others to leave, and then sat beside the brunette, who now seemed to search through some files. He called latter's name which he didn't pay attention to.

"Allan!!" he snatched the files from his hand, prompting his gaze to shift inwards.

"If you had to collaborate, you could've used the business or literary department they are much more reasonable." Allan nodded along, causing the other to frown.

"Did I told you to use this piece as presentation." he spoke causing Ted, the said male to look at him a bit flushed, since he failed to prepare a presentation, and Allan placed him with this at the last moment.

"Don't you think I'd have a plan?" the latter remain unfazed.

"So just do as told. I want her to prepare along with a speech in tomorrows orientation."

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