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"I shouldn't have invited you here" Allan spoke once he entered his room, her hand was still in his grasp.Music was now less loud, but bearable enough so they can hear each other better. He knew how she could get sentimental after just having one drink. 

"Of course, you know I'm anti men" she plopped over the bed. 

"No that isn't the case right now? You're a 5 year old baby who needs to be under watch all the time" he vented out, pouring her a glass of water. 

"Then you should've watched me, why did you go away" she drank the water, 

"Lets just go to your apartment " he pulled her up but this time she used all her strength oppositely.

"Don't pull my hand again." she threw a fit and the latter follow. She rolled around the bed making herself comfortable.

"Do you know sometimes you drive me crazy." he said in a low tune, which may or may not have been distinct to her.

He won't even hesitate to admit that he was staring at her longer than a minute; when she wasn't even doing anything, she was just

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He won't even hesitate to admit that he was staring at her longer than a minute; when she wasn't even doing anything, she was just....there. It was kind of funny how sometimes he just want to look at her, not because she was doing something unique but just because..
 just because..

"Why did you leave." he got out of his musings.

"I left because you told me to-" he sat down beside her uncaring of the fact that he was hosting a party outside,

"If I said something it's not necessary that I mean it." she fidgeted her arms before facing him.

"But you said you wanted more beers?" he seemed confused, and even more when she let out a heavy exhale, shrugging more than needed,she placed her arm on the side table playing with the small lamp as a distraction, he called her name once, twice and before he could say it again, she faced him.

"Why did you leave ....that day." she spoke, voice disappearing till the end of sentence.
Neither of them say a word.

 "You didn't want me to go?" he turned his gaze to look at her and she immediately chased it by looking down, 

"Is that even a question?" her face turned to a 360 degrees, trying to hold in. 

"You could've said that, the last time I came to meet you you even refused to talk to me" he asked her to look at him but she didn't so he just kept on staring at the air between them. 

"You told me it's okay and-and you never returned my call nor attended the class on my last day-" he folded his leg facing her completely, she was quick to move back but he was quicker, he held her shoulders, urging her to look at him and when she did, he felt like all his confidence wavered off, a flicker formed above his eyes, she didn't say anything, and it's scary how sometimes eyes can tell more than literary speeches.  

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