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"We must distribute these technicians for the new meeting." Henry proposed followed by his father saying something, he asked Allan and he nodded along saying it was a good idea.

However, what others didn't know was Allan's mind, which was busy humming on to a song he listened the other day, and it seemed to work pretty well. As Ella said just nod along, Allan was now laughing at himself for stressing all long, because now it all seemed easier, he saw his father looking on to him, and once again he shake his head with a thoughtful expression.

Henry asked him to stay for a night which Allan refused completely; but ended up staying either way because of his father's verdict "If you don't want me to lock you up, listen!".

He had been locked up a lot , sometimes because of his misbehaving or because he didn't obey rules and sometimes even before his swimming lessons which were literally 2 hours of escapism, Allan tsked at the thought as he stared at the broken window of his room, that's why he disliked coming here, it brings out all those memories that he had left behind.

Ella saw him, she planned to scare him from behind, hence tiptoed inside,

"Even after years it still feels like a prison" she paused after seeing him in deep thoughts, before she could have said something he turned around.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, because Ella was supposed to stay in a guest room, she signaled towards outside, Allan followed his gaze to find Jeremy standing across the hall, he wanted to go talk to him but Ella stopped him beforehand, his face got a bit stiff, which was not something new.

In an aim to divert the topic, she started to ask about random things in his room, and the first random thing was well the glass window which was half broken, 

"Did you-" she stopped when the latter nodded along.

"To think of it now, it was stupid of me, because firstly I couldn't attend the classes for two weeks, plus it becomes extremely cold in winters." he shivered at the thought. 

There would be no expensive charges to fix a window? well the answer was right there, punishment! so that he could remember how he'll end up if he go against something he is told to do so.

"Why would he bring her in a family dinner" Mr Ruth asked calmly, Henry followed him behind,
"He only agreed to attend this dinner on a condition that she will be welcomed".

The older male paused in front of Allan's room as he heard a feminine voice, the door was ajar so he entered inside, Allan tilted his head, noticing how his father squinted.

"Were you not escorted towards guest room?" the older male spoke prompting Ella, who was right now lying straight on the bed to stand up immediately folding her arms in defense, while Allan just rolled his eyes, 

"Yes I was-" she replied, muffling to make up an excuse.

"So are you two going to stay in the same room then?" his father asked again, voice demanding. and both of them were quick to respond. 


Ella glared at Allan after comprehending, she urged him to speak and when he didn't she justified in a detached voice. 

"No, I was just here to talk about his swimming schedule for tomorrow" Thank God she was good at making up things and presenting them as facts, the old man nodded in acknowledgement excusing himself out,

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