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The atmosphere was quite tense as the two males continued to stare on the carpeted floor clearing their throat as an excuse to talk but then deciding to remain quiet anyways. 


The two spoke in unison, shutting there mouth immediately. 

Allan urged Ted to go first and he did the same. 

After a second or two Ted finally let out in an outburst. 

"I told you that I'll be home because my flight got cancelled, and you brought a girl home?"
"Who is she anyways?"

He waited for the latter to answer, noticing how Allan sat tongue tied. He asked again and this time Allan chose to reply.

"She is.... Ella." 

Ted felt as if his eyes could've popped out of it's socket.
"Ella? That Ella? Are you.." Allan winced at the loudness of his voice.

He paused just to continue again not letting the latter speak. 

"For all the time that I've been with you I heard you talking about confronting her and resenting her, but... you were kissing her? And that in the kitchen? Did you two do anything more possibly-? " 

"Tedddd stopp!" Allan said abruptly looking somewhere near his shoulder, the way Ted reacted was nothing in front of his own brain after taking everything into realization, he shouldn't have give in just like that. 

Ted urged him to speak and when Allan didn't, he risked a question.

"Are you doing this to get her by any chance?" Allan shook his head in absolute no closing his eyes firmly. 

"I don't know what I'm doing but it couldn't be that." he stood up from the far corner only to place himself next to Ted. 

"I - um- this ! what is happening to me?" he leaned on to the arm of sofa. 

"It's like I'm loosing the grip on myself- all over again" his mouth left a sigh as the latter chased it. 

"Did you finally talk about it?" he spoke in a low voice as if he is almost not trying to pinch the wounded area. 

The brunette just shook his head causing Ted to look away, 

"Did you tell her everything? " The older asked once again, he noticed how the younger hesitated. 

"I told you Allan, you can't just do that again" Ted sounded a bit frustrated. 

Allan tried to give out some kind of excuse but he ended up closing his mouth. 

"Don't start anything until you're ready to open up." Ted stated, it was strange how this man would be giving him advises now. 

"Firstly I didn't start anything, and secondly why is there the need to open up? Everyone has there own secrets and it's normal to be secretive about something you don't want to share." He fought back with his statement , which was more like a repetitive line, he used to have an affect but now when everything seemed to get related, the statement just seemed a load of crap. 

"Don't forget your tiny load of bullshit is the reason why you've to go through this all, dragging her along, I won't be surprised if you'd blame her, but just so you know if you'd have told her...things won't get too far."


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