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There were only two people left, among them was Jennie, who looked kind of concerned. When she saw Allan coming out of the room, her first question was about Ella, he told her that she is asleep, she wanted to suggest him to take Ella home, but chose to remain quiet.

"So are you two already living together." Jennie let out, since this question was bugging her lately, she wasn't that close with Allan, but her mind was quick-witted when it comes to these things.

"No no no, she - she just lives upstairs." Allan spoke in hesitance.

"So are you two planning on-" her voice dropped to a faint sound, and he was quick to stop her.

"Excuse me?" his brows furrowed, lips pursing onto each other, and well that's when she clicked.

"Are you two not dating yet?" she looked surprise, as if a fact has been neglected in front of her eyes, her palm raised up silencing the latter.

"I know that you're gonna say, we are just friends, and then I'll say you don't look like one, then we'll argue on it, and then.... after few months you'll know that I was right." she rapped on words saying them too loudly and pretty quickly, Allan wanted to sit down and comprehend.

" she rapped on words saying them too loudly and pretty quickly, Allan wanted to sit down and comprehend

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Jennie picked her purse, asking him to take care of Ella, before exiting out, leaving him a bit dazed.

It was about past 12, and usually he would just have a plan with his bed at this time, but right now he felt like being wide awake, it was a lot to compose in the past 30 minutes, Ella telling him about herself, her being this close to him that he thought he might have a heart attack at any time, and then those words that he said to her, he didn't know from where did that come from, but well, he did know, he was trying to suppress it as long as possible. Also, usually he wouldn't listen to any gibberish but right now, whatever that girl said to her kept on roaming inside his mind.

Stepping quietly inside the room he tried his hard not to wake her up, since she was a light sleeper, he glimpsed past her shoulder finding her in slumber, he could've slept on sofa, but decided not to, he knew how sometimes her mind would get the worst out of her, and this time he wanted to stay by her side. He dropped himself on the ground placing his head on the pillow, it was a fortune that he covered the floor with carpet one of Ella's own idea, proving just how much of an influence she has in his life, he turned off the lamp, as he didn't want to think anymore. 

It was past midnight, Allan found himself constantly dragging the blanket over his feet, though failed. Hence, he stood up to close the window, he noticed the fidget on bed, in an attempt to just assure himself he walked to the other side, finding the other, wrapped inside a blanket, making it more obvious that she was awake.

The side of the bed shifted, when no-one spoke Ella break the ice, turning to face him, there wasn't much light in the room but she could see that he was looking at her.

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