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A car stopped in front of the gate as Ted came out, apologizing to the female, he unlocked the door asking her to get inside. 

"These are some groceries, I just realized you people don't have anything instead of instant food, it's not really nutritious." Ella continued speaking as she kept the shopper on kitchen counter. 

"So this is your plan? to buy him groceries"? Ted laughed after taking a bite from an apple. 

"He won't really encourage me cooking, or visiting, or staying.." she paused huffing a bit. 

"Okay I don't know, do you have any better idea?" she placed her palm on the counter, sighing a bit, the male shook his head, he didn't really know how to meddle in between.

Ella took this opportunity letting out a possible question. 

"I saw him at the clinic." she noticed how the latter paused for a while.

"You have to tell me something at-least" her voice sounded a bit desperate, but in spite of that she saw the latter trying to distract around with his phone. 

"Can you atleast tell me something relating to your family?" Ted looked up finally giving her attention. 

"Father, me Allan and Henry. That's it." he said in a calm tone focusing on the other things inside grocery bag.

"What about your mother?" she asked cautiously.
"dead." he replied.

"If you're not going to answer me then I'll chose to ask Allan about these." Her voice came out a bit indecisive because ofcourse she knew she can't even have a normal conversation with him so this was totally out of context.

"Don't say anything to him." the reply caught her off-guard since the latter was now looking at her directly.

"Then you should be the one to tell me." her voice sounded serious. 

Ted took a seat on one of the stool in the kitchen across from where Ella was standing.

"I don't know alot about her, since I was about 5 maybe when she died.- But Allan, he was really close to her, like sometimes he won't even take his meals if she wasn't home.
... From what I know, she died in a car accident, and Allan was with her at that time, he got severely injured, and even lost his ability to hear for a temporary time." 

Ella couldn't really trust his words, since she didn't consider herself to be that inept of every knowledge about person she claim to know the most.

"Since he was really close to her, he wasn't ready to accept the reality, and so his mental condition became a bit disturbed, and he - went into a disorder." he said plainly.

"He even claimed that father had attempted to kill mother intentionally in that accident during his psychological sessions."

"And that being-" Ted paused as the voice of door opening up distracted him, Ella twitched on her movement, as she now paid attention towards the present, she didn't plan on staying here when Allan surely didn't want to see her at all. 

She struggled on her feet, trying to grab her bag almost as she would become invisible in a second. She noticed how Ted strolled towards the brunette in order to distract him so she wouldn't have to talk anyway.

When Allan entered, Ella noticed the way his eyes were sunken, but she also observed how they rose to there max level after giving into her presence, her hand lightly pushed Ted to go forward, but Allan seemed deaf somehow, since his own reflex was to hold onto her arm directing inside his room.

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