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A.n// hang in!! this chapter might start of as something else, but it'll turn pretty ahead.//

"Ted Stefan" Ella spelled out the name, allowing the receptionist to search through data base, after clicking through the documents the female spoke.

"Sorry. This patient is exempted from dismissal" 

a fringe formed over Ella's head questioning the latter, 
"Dr. Jeriff told us not to, as the patient is in critical condition there is a chance that he might get into a state of coma with a mere shock." she explained further causing Ella to leave a heavy sigh. 

How was she supposed to do this, she can't miss her lessons nor can she travel by, due to extreme weather conditions there were no trains applicable so her parents weren't able to make it there as well, and then it was nice of staff to let her stay for a day, but she couldn't be here all day all night. Amidst her musings she saw Allan getting out of a Dr's room, she tried to pretend by looking else where but the latter was walking towards her.

"You might as well get your wrist checked." he let out after pausing, a distance of few inches between them. 

"It's fine -nouch" she winced when the latter nudged on the suspected area.

It wasn't like she wanted to play attention seeker but she knew she cannot manage with all the expenses going on, Banks were close on Sunday , and so she had to just get through just another day. 

"I can force you into this too." he said in a calm tone placing his hands inside his pockets, and with that she took the hint. 

"Are you the reason why they won't let me transfer him?" her voice came out a bit shriked. 

"No the reason is because he is in critical condition, and the reason could become yours too if you won't get treated, they take the payment after departure so don't worry about that." he let out the whole thing after seeing the shuffle on her face.

Allan gets her into the talks so easily nowadays, she is convinced that now he is a man of work with tactics.

 Right now she was sitting in cafeteria with him sitting across, a sandwich was placed in her hand and a glass of milkshake on the other.

 "It's good for healing bones, and it can also give you nutrition for you lessons" his voice came out as an advertiser. 

"I'm not a kid" she huffed while sipping on the shake, and then almost gagging . 

"Wow, look who is talking." he passed the tissue on to her, there gazes met, locking in the middle of air, he broke the contact by placing the tissue over table.

Sometimes, the two feel like there isn't even a history anymore. As if time hasn't passed, or emotions haven't resided at all. As if they are still the same. But it just take a second of recognition to almost drift them apart. again.

Ella kept quite for a bit, and then she finally let out something she didn't want to. 

"Let's talk now. " her hands were now placed over the table. 

She don't want to feel things she know she would be deprived off in the next moment. The latter felt a bit hesitant so he started off with a light question because he knew she would turn the things here and there. 

"Were you here to attend the welcome party." He knew how there were not many people she could've been fond of. 

"No." Ella replied.

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