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"What made you change your mind" she let out, still looking at him. He didn't look away, or seemed out, his expression was still as he tilted his head, he seemed almost serious. 

After leaning to her side, he whispered.

"I didn't really like Daniel." 

Allan pulled back, looking at Ella, his expression remained un-shifted, while the latter was still fazed by the seriousness of his tone. When he failed to hold his smile in, Ella pushed him while shaking her head. A sigh escaped her mouth.

She didn't dislike this, for the first time maybe she didn't find his jokes on serious moment useless. Instead, she may have missed this.

"You haven't even met him yet" she rolled her eyes, 

"I'd really like to though." Allan replied back, leaning his hand on the counter and the other under his chin. Ella didn't try to shift the rhythm elsewhere, it felt nice, no matter how desperate she was to know everything, but considering how "now" felt better she decided to stick with it. 

"In that case, visit my uni sometimes, I'll show you all my guy friends." She snickered a bit knowing exactly how the latter would react. 

Allan asked her exactly how many these "guy friends" were and she intentionally took her time before telling him about her popularity among the male students;(bragging of course).
The latter chuckled, walking near to her, expressing his surprise on how she used to stay away from males and now she don't even hesitate to hang out with them, her mouth molded slightly showing off her pride. 

"I've changed alot Mister Allan Ruth" Her hands folded themselves in a challenging way, noticing how the brunette raised his eyes, a habit of his whenever she calls him by his full name.

"How so?" he sounded cheeky imitating Ella by folding his own hands, leaning a bit so he could match her height. Maybe he didn't even realize how he had completely went out from his usual aura. 

"I think less and talk more now

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"I think less and talk more now." She took a step forward, the latter kept steady on his place , his mouth playing a poker while nodding his head to her statement.

"..and I can cook really well." her hands waved in prominence causing his lips to curve up, playing along, and when she was almost close to him, he didn't budge instead bowed his face down a bit to keep his eyes on her. She breathed in, before letting out. 

"I even confessed to someone." his expression dropped almost immediately, hands getting out of grip. 

"But well he didn't say anything back, so I'm still standing here shamelessly." she raised her head, trying to catch every way his face twitch, or how he tried to look away pursing his lips, she refrained from adding anything enjoying how the latter didn't say anything. 

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